It's Okay

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I woke up in a large dark room, the only sound echoing through my ears was the sound of my heart pounding in my chest. I felt absolutely paralyzed, incapable to move. Sweat dripped down my forehead. I wanted to speak, but all I could manage to get out of my mouth was a loud groan.

"Bellamy. It's okay. You're okay. We're all here." Raven stood above me, her hands tightly gripped around my shoulders. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. All I could do was cry. My tears dripping down the sides of my face and into my hair. Raven rubbed away my tears, a large smile on her face. "Someone radio Jackson." She shot a glare at someone. A wrinkle forming in the middle of her forehead.

Once she brought her attention back to me, her eyes lightened back up with a soft smile. She rubbed my hair out of my face. Rubbing some sweat off my forehead. Her eyes widened, immediately she began checking my eyes spreading them wide open with her fingers. "Turn on the lights." She pulled out a flashlight flashing it into my eyes. My throat became dry, too dry to say anything. Raven moved out of my line of sight, but I could feel her moving the blankets off my body. Running her hands along the areas of my body I felt the sharpest pain.

I tried to speak again, but could only manage to mumble and moan with pain. Every part of my body felt extremely heavy, too heavy to hold. Every limb felt like it was going to combust from the pain. Tears continued running down the sides of my face, another figure moved into my view.

Madi. She had a large smile on her face, her hair falling gracefully around her face without her beanie holding it back. Beside her stood Murphy, his arm carefully draped around her shoulders. Behind him, Emori stood with a wide smile on her face. On the other side of me stood Monty, Harper, and Miller. Their faces full of relief.

I wanted to smile, but I couldn't. The only thing I could do was look and see everyone. As they stared down at me all I wanted to do was ask where the hell Clarke was. My eyes ran around looking at everyone's face present except Octavia's. My heart clenched, anger rushing through me but I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Madi leaned down hugging me, her arms gently wrapped around my sides. I tried to lift my arms to wrap them around her, but I couldn't. "I'm so glad you're okay," she mumbled into my shirt. I could feel the tears from her eyes seeping through my shirt, but I couldn't do anything about it.

She looked up at me, a hint of sadness in her eyes. Her big round emerald eyes drowning in a sea of blood. Her cheeks were rosy, slightly swollen like they always got when she had cried. Murphy squeezed her shoulder pulling her slightly back. "You look terrible." Murphy laughed, everyone around my bed responding with smiles and light laughter. I tried to curl my lips into a smile, but it was hopeless.

All I could manage was to groan at him. Miller rested his hand on the edge of my bed leaning down beside me. "I know you're probably in a lot of pain right now. But I also know exactly what you're thinking. Yes, Clarke is okay and so is Octavia. Everyone is okay." I felt my face twitch into a relieved smile, tears streamed down my face.

Knowing they were okay, gave me a drive, motivation. I picked up my arm, holding it out towards Madi. She placed her hand in mine, using the other to support the weight of my arm. I cleared my throat, the lump in my throat too stubborn to move anywhere. "Where are they?" The words were a whisper, barely distinguishable. My voice even deeper than its normal tone.

Everyone moved out of the way, gesturing to either side of me. I threw my head to one side to see Octavia fast asleep beside me, machines hooked onto her checking her vitals and pumping her with blood. The weight of my head was overwhelming, but I still managed to throw it in the other direction to see Clarke lying on a bed beside me. Her chest rising and falling slowly, the parts of her face I could see were covered in bruises. My stomach began to knot up at the sight of her.

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