Break In

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I woke up to Bellamy wrapped around me. He felt like home. He made me feel safe. Finally. He was mine. I laid there and admired his face, taking in every detail. He looked so innocent. Underneath his sleepy innocence I knew he was damaged and needed more than anything to have something solid to lean on. He didn't show it in front of anyone, but when it was just me and him I could see it. His eyes carry so much pain, but he doesn't carry that pain alone.

Suddenly I'm pulled from my thoughts as Bellamy begins to tighten his grip around my waist. "NO! CLARKE COME BACK!" He was still asleep. He was having a nightmare. A nightmare about me. His body had flooded with sweat.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, cradling his head. "Bellamy it's okay," I whispered in his ear, stroking his hair. "I'm fine, I'm right here. I'm with you. I'm not going anywhere." His body became tense. It hurt me to think that he must have been having nightmares like this for the past few years. With no one to help him. A frown grew on my face.

He jolted up, breathing heavily. His body still covered in sweat. I caressed his face and kissed his cheek. "It's okay Bellamy I'm right here." I pulled him back into my chest and ran my fingers through his thick, wet hair. His body finally relaxing. He let out a large sigh of relief.

He slowly pulled away, his eyes meeting mine. His lips met mine as he kissed me gently. "Thank you," he whispered against my lips. I could feel him smiling against my lips.

I kissed him one more time before resting my face on his shoulder slowly creeping my face up against the crook of his neck. "How about a shower?" I whispered in his ear. I could see the goose bumps grow on the back of his neck.

Immediately Bellamy jumped up putting on some pants, grabbing clothes, and a towel. "I say let's go." After grabbing everything he quickly wrapped me up with the blanket. "No time for clothes now Princess." I squealed as he picked me up. He looked down at me, a smile covering his face from ear to ear.

"Now that's something I haven't heard in a while." I laughed resting my head on Bellamy's shoulder as he carried me to the bathroom. When we first landed he used to call me Princess to spite me, but now it had changed completely. Said with love and affection.

Bellamy's eyes fell to the floor as he began to blush. "You will always be my Princess." He smiled as he opened the door to the bathroom. I could feel the blood rush to my face as a large grin spread across my cheeks.

"Now who would have ever thought that we'd ever be so domestic." His eyes moved to mine, a smile was plastered across his face. Bellamy rarely smiled, but his smile never failed to take my breath away.

"Don't ruin the moment," he scolded. Bellamy eventually set me down in the bathroom. I sat back against the wall wrapped up in the blanket Bellamy covered me with. Watching him turn on the hot shower. His muscles were flexing as he stood and stretched up trying to get rid of the tension in his back. There were scratch marks all over his shoulders. I didn't even realize I had done so much damage, but clearly it was nothing that he couldn't handle.

I stood up and kissed the scratch marks on his back. "How about I give you a little massage after we shower, you're going to need well rested muscles if we're going to try to dig up the rest of our family," I mumbled against his back.

He turned around pushing me against the sink trapping me between his arms. "I say we take a nice hot shower and take advantage of the alone time we have, just you and me in our bed. You know before everyone else wakes up." His eyes were filled with fire and desire.

I gently kissed his lips, running my finger across his lips. His eyes shut as soon as I touched him. "We can do whatever you want Bell." He let out a deep chuckle, taking in the memories of our first few encounters on Earth.

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