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I could feel my skin itching to make a run for it and attack now, but I needed to be patient. If I wanted this to work it was best to wait it out. Jones is supposed to take everyone upstairs into the end office. But I can feel myself growing more and more impatient.

"I finally opened that room at the end of the hall I think we should do a sweep for anything good." My eyes focused on Jones. He confidently stood in front of Bishop and the rest of his men.

"You all do a sweep, I'll watch her." Bishop peeked over his shoulder, but I diverted my eyes to the floor.

"Sir, I'll watch her. You need to decide what is useful and what's not." He remained emotionless, giving nothing away.

"Fine. Smith give him the gun." Bishop motioned towards Jones. "If she tries anything shoot both of her legs. But don't kill her." He looked back at me with a tight smirk on his face. "Let me have the pleasure of making her suffer." I rolled my eyes as he walked towards me. He cupped a cheek in the palm on his hand. Running the pad of his thumb across my cheek, slowly making his way to my lips. "Be a good girl and maybe I can give you what you want."

My blood was boiling. All I could think about was making this man suffer, but I took in a deep breath trying to relax as he released my face. Bellamy. Madi. My mom. Octavia. I need to do this for them. I need to fight for them. They need me. My people need me.

I watched as everyone made their way up the stairs, Bishop giving me one last glance as he made his way down the hallway. Jones motioned for me to stay a few minutes as he stood at the end of the staircase waiting for them to get into the room. As they closed the door behind them I quickly jumped up pulling out the gun from underneath the panel along with the ammunition. I locked a loaded my gun.

This is it. It's time. I could hear footsteps make their way down the hall. Jones charged at me slapping me across the face. "You're the reason all of our people are gone." He slapped me again, throwing me to the ground. I could taste the blood in my mouth. "You will suffer."

I could hear the footsteps coming out faster. I kicked Jones in the face as he stood above me. "Stand down Jones." Bishop ran down the stairs. I kicked the gun away from Jones quickly picking it up. I pointed the gun at Bishop who froze at the end of the staircase with his hands up. "Clarke, you don't want to do this. I know you're a good person."

I let out a slight laugh at the thought. "That's where you're wrong. I'm the commander of death. Wanheda. This is exactly what I want."

As I tightened my grip around the trigger I heard Jones yell. "Clarke, watch out." One of Bishop's guards shot towards me, missing me by an inch and hitting Jones instead. I backed up against the wall. I stood out of sight. Bishop ran at me, but I quickly shot out both of his legs disabling him from getting to me.

The other guards made their way down the stairs shooting aimlessly at me as I tried to pull Jones out of sight. He helped me and he deserved to live. I heard more footsteps making their way into the lab, but I didn't have time to stop. I dragged Jones down the hall.

Suddenly I felt a shot to my thigh. Instantly disabling me. The blood poured down my leg as I laid beside Jones. I could hear yelling and more gunshots, but none aimed at either of us. "We need to keep moving. Come on." I crawled across the floor towards the infirmary. Jones slowly following behind me. His screams filling the hallway. I could feel myself growing lightheaded, but I kept going. The pain from my leg was outweighed by my motivation to help Jones. He was in more pain than I was.

Once I made it to the door I punched in the code, the door opening in front of me. I fell through the door trying to drag myself further in so Jones could make it through. Once we got inside I heard the footsteps come closer, but I immediately locked the door. We were safest in here. No one knew the code except for Madi and me.

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