Chapter 12: Skydive To Hell

Start from the beginning

Then Genji was there, and sealed the opening behind him before the effects of the Pulse Bomb could diminish and suck all of the air out of the plane.

Silent as mice, they quickly slipped into the rows upon rows of seats. It was indeed a passenger jet - and in the center, there was light pulsing from a big cylindrical container.

The experiment.

The glass looked thicker than Isabell's arm, with a steel top and base welded to it. It looked like it was filled with greenish liquid, but she couldn't tell - the glass was covered in condensation. And-- was that frost?

Either way, Isabell couldn't see inside it.

"I'll check it out."

The voice sent a chill through Isabell's bones as she ducked under the cream-colored seats.


The plane pitched to the side and Isabell heard a thump from inside the cockpit. Before a snarl in Reaper's voice. "Sombra."

A laugh. "Oh come on, that was funny." A Mexican accent attached. Sombra.

"Hurry. Up," came a guttural French accent, bored and disdainful. Widowmaker.

All three of the known members on-board, just as Winston had expected. One of them would have to stay flying the plane.

Reaper threw open the curtain and stalked into the body of the plane. He stared at the hole in the back, messily patched up, and growled. He grabbed out his guns and aimed them at the walls. "Someone's here."

Isabell could practically feel Sombra rolling her eyes. "I'll go."

"Quo? No, I will go."

"One of us has to stay, and since I'm the better fighter..." The smirk in her words was almost too much to take.

"I will not--"

"Have fun." And Sombra flung open the curtain, into the back. She glanced at the fixed hole and raised an eyebrow. "Looks like someone wants her as much as we do." She flicked her eyes to the green glass tube.

"Kill them," Reaper growled, and started firing.

"Shit!" Isabell hollered as bullets sprayed through the cream seats and right beside her chair. Gunfire filled the air and the loud chitter of Tracer's pistols were added as she Blinked from her place, firing.

Genji was out in seconds and slammed into Sombra, a stream of Japanese profanities flying from his mouth as he charged, his Katana aloft.

Isabell decided it was now or never. She was still at the back of the plane - it was so loud she could barely hear herself think.

She whipped out her nunchucks, goggles lighting up and whipped a pair in front of her deflecting some of Reaper's bullets. Her circlets started to glow a little.

Isabell couldn't think straight. The noise was roaring in her ears. Her vision started going fuzzy.

She took on a fighting stance, ready to take on Reaper--

And then the overhead locker to her left popped open, and a head stuck out.

"No, officer, I am not smuggling alcohol into the country. I swear."

Isabell couldn't stand up straight. The plane was pitching and rolling around her. Someone was looking at her through the locker - it had to be a fourth member of Talon. A new recruit like her. He laughed, and ducked out, a gun the size of a school bag in his hand. A home-made rocket launcher.

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