You Won't Believe Who Saved Me...

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I gasped as I shot up from my laying position. Immediately I regretted it, because a sharp pain shot through my head. I hissed and clutched it with both hands, squeezing my eyes shut to will the pain away. After a moment, it subsided to a dull throb, permeating me to take a sneak peek at my surroundings.

I was in some type of bedroom. The walls, ceiling and floor were made of a dark wood. There wasn't much in the room, just a bedside table, two other doors and the bed I currently laid in.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. How the hell did I end up here? I could've swore I was drowning. Am I already dead, and this is a part of heaven?

I slowly swung my legs over the bed and attempted to stand, but my legs gave way and I fell on the floor. With a low curse, I inspected my body. My torso was tightly wrapped up in bandages, to the point where it was a bit hard to breathe or move. 'Well, at least I know I'm not dead.'

That moment, one of the doors opened, and in came a girl with long black hair tied in a bun holder and big brown eyes. Her two straight bangs framed her face, and had metal clips near the ends. She wore some type of weird outfit, and had a Kirigakure headband. She also had a tray in her hands. When she saw me on the floor, she gasped. "Oh my!"

Without hesitation, she ran to my  side, put the tray down and helped me back up on the bed. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I answered, "Just a little lightheaded."

"You shouldn't have tried to get up, especially in your condition." The girl scolded, causing me to blink at her. Who was she to tell me what do to?

"Who are you?" I asked bluntly, already getting tired of her. No one tells me what to do. "Where am I? Why am I here?"

The girl blinked before sitting next to me. I instinctively scooted away from her. I didn't know who this girl was. She could be a killer for all I know.

She sighed as she realized my reluctance to be close to her. "My name is Haku. I found you in the forest, nearly drowned. I was surprised that you still had a heartbeat. I decided to bring you in and take care of you until you felt better. Although, I would've thought you stayed unconscious for two or three days more."

I nodded at her answer, then glanced at the tray. It had a bowl of rice and a cup of tea, lavender from the smell of it. My stomach suddenly grumbled angrily, causing the girl to giggle. "You must be hungry."

"A bit." I sheepishly admitted, rubbing my stomach. "How long have I been out?"

"Merely a day and a half since I found you, not that long." I thanked her as she handed me the tray and immediately dug in. Even though she might've poisoned it and I'll probably die a few hours after, I was going to die on a full stomach.

Haku smiled as she watched me eat, then glanced at the door. With a sigh, she stood up and walked to the door. "I'm currently needed else where. That door over there contains a bathroom. If you want, you can take a shower. All your clothes are in your bag; I dried them for you. There are crutches next to the bag to help you move around. Please, do not leave the room until I come back."

Without letting me respond, she left. I huffed and looked around. True to her word, on the other side of the bed was my bag and a pair of crutches. I grabbed my bag and rummaged through my selected clothes. My hand brushed against a silky fabric, and curiosity got the best of me as I pulled it out. I gasped.

It was the silver and gold kimono, from my dream of Allex and I. 'Allex... Do you still remember me? Are you even...?'

Stopping my thoughts before they got too grim, I slung the kimono over my shoulder. Grabbing the crutches, I limped over to the bathroom. It wasn't very big, but not uncomfortably tiny either. I placed my kimono on the toilet and started the shower. As I waited, I stared at myself in the mirror. I couldn't help but cringe. Disheveled hair, dirty and bloody skin, multiple but artificial cuts all over my face... I was a hot mess.

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