From Here to There

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I, in no way, own any of the Naruto characters mentioned throughout this story. I own only my OC (not even the picture) and other characters affiliated with her. With that said, thank you for choosing my story to read, and enjoy!


Third Person P.O.V

Allyce Ryû sat in a class of 24, tapping her fingers on her desk while staring out the window. She was bored and anxious, and no one could blame her. In ten minutes, school would be over, and summer would begin. All the children in her school had plans for the summer - parties, pools, beaches, or plain hanging out. Allyce had different plans entirely, not to mention Fate's plans for her as well. Fate's plans would throw Allyce off balance, and force her to adapt to a new lifestyle. It would also assist her in discovering that one of her dear ones was what she always thought. However, Allyce wouldn't know all of this till later on.

So, Allyce sat, mentally ticking off the seconds on the clock to 3:35. Just a few more, she thought to herself. Just five more minutes... Four... Three... Two... One...

Brrring!! went the school bell, signaling the end of the school year. Allyce's classmates whooped and cheered, squeezing through the door to leave as quick as possible. Allyce was patient, and so waited until everyone else left. As she packed, her teacher Mr. Gonzales asked as he cleared his blackboard, "What might you be doing for the summer, Allyce?"

"Same as always, sir. Research and tracking. I actually have a lead that goes into the woods, so I'm starting there." Allyce answered, and Mr. Gonzales frowned in response. "Ah, I see."

Allyce glanced at her former teacher. "Something wrong, sir?"

"Actually, there is. I was hoping, what with the school therapy and counseling, you might be participating in, well, more normal activities. You know, like the movies, or the beach. Honestly, Allyce, don't you think you should be putting a stop to this fruitless search?"

"No, because soon enough, it won't be fruitless. Why?" Allyce had finally finished packing, and was heading for the door. Before she could leave, however, the teacher put a hand on her shoulder. "Because this is rather unhealthy, don't you think?"

Allyce stared at him blankly with her golden honey eyes. It was a stare that many people knew - the stare that said she neither cared nor was listening. When it came to the delicate subject that was coming about, she didn't listen to anyone that didn't agree with her. To her, listening to the opposing meant giving up. Allyce was a stubborn girl. The phrase 'giving up' just didn't comprehend.

But apparently, the man before her didn't realize this, because he was still talking. "I know when something tragic happens, too tragic to cope with, we make something else out of it. We give ourselves false hope to make the pain go away. But let's face reality, Allyce: He's gone. He's gone, and he's not coming back."

Allyce scowled; she had enough. "Listen sir, and I suggest you listen well. I don't make something else out of reality. I don't give myself false hopes, either. Also, I don't go around trying to be an unlicensed therapist or pediatrician or whatever you call it; trying to 'fix' people's lives. I'm not broken, so I don't need to be fixed. Now, I suggest you leave me be, or else something tragic just might happen to you."

Mr. Gonzales frowned deeply, his thin eyebrows going up to his receding hairline. "You do know you're threatening your teacher, don't you?"

"You do know that I don't really care, don't you? Anyway, you're no longer my teacher, so I'm just threatening a 42 year old man who's trying my patience. Now, if we're done here, I'd like to go. I have work to do." The man sighed, then took a step back, defeated. Allyce smirked, flashed the peace sign, and left the classroom. She went through the double doors and down the street to the large house on the corner. Since Allyce was an orphan, a pair of foster parents decided to adopt her and bring her in. They gave her food, shelter, love, and she appreciated it all to the fullest. However, she did not see them as blood. Her actual blood relative was still out there, and she was determined to find him, no matter what.

When Allyce walked up the steps to the house, she noticed a sticky note on the midnight blue door. Peeling it off to have a closer look, it read:

"Dearest Allyce,

We are needed at a very important meeting in New York. We will be gone for two weeks, at the least. Please, during this time, no... adventures. With love, hugs and kisses,

Susan and Jerry Walton"

Allyce grinned at the convenience. Usually when she left to go tracking - which usually last a few days - she would have to sneak out the window, then hear them gripe about it later. Now, it was easier. It was not everyday when Susan and Jerry went on business trips, since they're work-at-home types. To the parents, working at home meant more family time with Allyce. To Allyce, working at home meant less time for working herself.

With that, Allyce began repacking. She mentally checked off the list as she put the survival items in her bag: water, snacks, flashlight, sleeping bag, pocket knife, extra set of clothes, map, inhaler. Once done, she changed into a different attire. It consisted of a black v-neck shirt that covered only her chest, leaving her stomach open, with a black and red plaid skirt for the bottom. She wore black fishnet stockings that reached for her thighs, with straps that connected to her scarlet panties and a slip to put her pocket knife in. Dark crimson combat boots and red fingerless gloves, stopping four inches from her elbows, were included, along with accessories such as her silver belly button ring and earrings - three on each ear. Her hair, black with red streaks, was tied in a messy bun, two chopsticks sticking through the bun and her bangs concealing her eyes.

Dressed and ready for action, Allyce walked out the door and took a left into the forest. She smiled in contentment once she began hearing the chirps of birds and rustling of the wind through the trees. Allyce, despite her gothic appearance, was quite social. She merely didn't have friends because she had more important things to do. Still, it didn't mean that for once, she wished she wasn't so picky about choosing friends.

No sooner than ten minutes later, Allyce heard a low rumbling. She looked upwards and felt a raindrop tap her right cheek. Seconds later, it became a downpour. Yelping in surprise, Allyce ran, searching for shelter. Her wish granted, she came across a large cave, and dove inside. Panting heavily, she gazed outside to inspect the rain. Dark gray clouds filled the sky; thunder roared ferociously; lightning flashed every two minutes; the rain fell in a fit of sorrowful rage. Allyce sighed. "No way am I walking around in this storm. So, I guess I'm stuck for now. Better get situated."

With that, Allyce took out her flashlight and looked around. The cave was rather large, with a high ceiling. Around was twigs, dry grass, and stones of various sizes. Seeing an opportunity for a fire, Allyce got to work. She formed the stones into a small circle, and placed the twigs and grass in the middle. Afterwards, she grabbed two rocks and began striking them together, creating sparks. One of the sparks landed in the pile, and she gently blew to cause the fire to grow. Once that was done, she took out her sleeping bag and laid it next to the fire. After making a meal out of beef jerky and water, she eyed the outside once more before falling asleep.

While the 12 year old slept, the surroundings outside the cave altered. Instead of the woods of California, it became the woods of an entirely different place. A place where people have extraordinary abilities and dangerous lifestyles. A place where children her age often wield weapons made to kill, and killing was essential for survival. A place where no one knew where it was, yet created various stories for it, like this one. A place were most people are called shinobi, or ninjas. A place commonly known as the Naruto world.

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