Chapter 6

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I woke up the next day. My knees were still hurting but I was able to walk. I got up and walked to my dresser. I took out a whit tank top, Light blue stylish stylish overalls, and whit old converse.

I remembered that today was Saturday. Saturday is when I normally go for a walked on a trail my dad made when I was young while my brother has his early football games.

He made it so he could stay in fit when he had the long walks during his expeditions. But sometimes I go on the long trail just for the fun if it.

I love listening to the small birds chirping a a beautiful melody. The wind playing the trees making them sway back and forth.

I always bring one if my instruments with me to play a melody that comes into my head. Sometimes a lullaby my mother use to sing to me would float through my mind and I'll start playing along with the mental tune.

Before I walked out of my room I quickly when on my computer and checked my E-mails. I saw that Brice had replied back to me.

He wrote:

My secret admirer,

I think you should at least give me some hints about who you are. It's driving me crazy that I don't know who you are.

Your crush,


I clicked on reply and wrote:


I think your right. I will give you 3 hints though and that's it. Okay, 1) We have met a few times, 2) You helped me before with something, and 3) I have brown hair

Your truly,

Your secret admirer

I clicked send. I loved doing this. I have finally found a way to talk to someone without freezing up or fainting. It was perfect.

I grabbed Gorgi and the rope. I walked outside and felt the chilly spring breeze pushing against my tan skin and lifting my long, dark brown, wavy hair. I looked at Gorgi already to thought Maybe this time I'll trust that you won't run off.  I put the rope ont he counter and walked out with Gorgi

We walked out of the house and onto the long trail into the woods. Gorgi smiffed every inch of the of everything. the road, the grass, the trees, the flowers, the mushrooms, everything. We walked down the trail up until by legs were exhausted. 

I sat aginst a tree while Gorgi was running around like the crazy little pup he was. I sat past a corner of the trail where my dad curved it. He curved it so if he would know how much farther it would be until he reached the end.

I decided to started playing on my guitar. I started to play a song I absolutely loved. It was Treasure by Bruno Mars. I loved that he also wrote about how beautiful a girl is, not just break up songs. He is amazing. He's my idiol. Along with Eli Goulding  and Demi Lovato. Their all just so amazing. 

"Give me your, give me your, give me your attention, baby

I gotta tell you a little something about yourself

You're wonderful, flawless, ooh, you're a sexy lady

But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else." I sang aloud laughingly while playing my guitar.

 As I was sining I began to hear footsteps. Not one from Gorgi's running around. But actual human footsteps. Oh it's probably Jayden. I thought and began playing again.

"Treasure, that is what you are

Honey, you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you

If you let me treasure you." I kept sining aloud.

I then heard the footsteps stop. As if they weren't even there. Maybe it was all in my head. I thought to myself. I kept singing.

"Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl, you should be smiling

A girl like you should never look so blue

You're everything I see in my dreams

I wouldn't say that to you if it wasn't true." I sang smiling.

As I finished singing the chorus I heard a guys voice. It was crystal clear who it was.

"Treasure, that is what you are

Honey, you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you

If you let me treasure you." He sang to me as he walked out from behind the bushes.

I knew it was Brice. I instantly froze. What was he doing here? I jumped it on my feet and looked at him as if he was a pshyco killer.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a gentle voice.

I took a deep breathe and nodded. Instantky Gorgi started running to him barking with excitement. Brice kneeled down and started petting him. 

"Hey there boy! how are you doing?" I greeted Gorgi.

"Gorgi." I whispered. 

"What was that Naomi?" He asked.

I started to stutter and my hand stated to shake.

"Uh... Thats his.... Uh... Name.... Gorgi." I stutter. 

I could feel my cheeks getting hot as they turned red. I felt so embarrassed. My and started to shake even more. Brice walked up close to me and held my hand. 

'Hey, It's okay Naomi. We're friends right?" He asked smiling right into my eyes. 

I nodded and smiled.

We looked so deeply into each others eyes. We both couldn't held but to smile. Now my face felt even hotter but it wasn't becasue I felt embarrased. It was because I was blushing. He was looking deep into my eyes, smiling, and holding my and all at once. I felt something inside me. It was a good feeling going on in my chest. It was something I've never felt before.

We imediately stopped from the yelling of my brother.

"Hey Brice! Where'd you go! Wait up!" He yelled from a distance.

He wasn't able to what we were doing from all the trees and bushes.

"I have to hide. Jayden's going to flip if he sees us together." I whispered.

I grabbed Gorgi and ran to hid into a bush. I could Jayden finally catching up to Brice.

"Damn. How can you run that fast?" Jayden asked Brice.

"Uh.... It's a gift." Brice stutter a little .

"You okay man?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Wanna ran all around?" He asked. 

"Okay." Jayden said and immediately ran off with Brice running behind him.

When I saw that they were gone I stood up and walked off back to the house still having Gorgi in my hands. When we got home I rested Gorgi in the baby cage nd lied on my purple covered bed.I thought of what had happened. What I had said. 

I have to hide. Jayden's going to to flip if he sees us together. 

I couldn't believe myself. I actually told him a whole sentence. A whole sentence without stuttering, shaking, getting sweater palms, or anything like that. I had said something perfectly to my crush. I didn't know what to do now but squeal and kick my legs up and down with excitement and enthusiasm. 

I guess I do have some hope of making it through.

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