Chapter 3

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It about 9pm. I making some dinner. Just the usual. Grill Cheese. One with honey and one with ham. Then an extra one for Jayden's friend. I heard Jayden'd car coming in. I grabbed my dinner and headed into my room. There Gorgi stilled laid there, Sound asleep. I gently closed the door to where it was slightly open so I wouldn't wake him. I sat on my bed and pulled out my keyboard. I grabbed my headphones and put them on. I plugged it in and began to play. I played some notes I have written down in my music journal.

My music journal has all my music note and lyrics in it. I try to put it together and create a song but i can't match up the right notes together. It's like my music notes and my lyrics are total opposites. Never to come together in any way. I really sucls becasue I feel that both the lyrics and the notes are really good but I have nothing together to make an actual song.

Right before I about to start playing Jayden starts knocking on the door.

"Hey Naomi, It's Jayden. Can I come in?" He asked.

I got up, off of my bed and walked over to the door to open it.

"Hey. I just wanted to check up on you and say hi." He said.

"Thanks. Is your friend here?" I asked.

"Yeah. But don't worry. I told him that you don't like to be bothered." Jyden told me.

"Okay. Good. Just text me if he has to come over to this side of the house." I told him.

"Will do." He said.

I starts to look over and sees the baby cage.

"Why is the baby cage in there?" He asked.

I started to go pale. Oh crap! I totally forgot to think of how Jayden would think of the owning a dog! I started to stutter.

"Is there something happening to you that I don't know about?" He asked.

I looked at him with a strange face. What the hell is he talking about something happening to ME?!

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"I don't know. You are home alone a lot. Pretty much every single day. So i don't know what's going on in this house when I'm gone." He explained.

He' started walking in to my room. We walked over to the baby cage and saw little Gorgi.

"Oh my god." He said.

That was all he could say. After that he was frozen in surprise. He was surprised that there was an actual puppy right there.

"Jayden, please don't freak out." I told him.

"Why is there a puppy in your bedroom?" He wondered.

"I found him walking around in the middle of the road. He looked lost and alone and it looked liked he need a home." I answered Jayden.

"Yeah but what if he already has a home." He said.

I totally didn't think of that. He could've just wandered off and got lost and he was trying to find his way home. I could've just tooken someone elses dog.

"I don't know if he does but I couldn't just leave him where he could've gotten himself killed." I explained to him.

"Let's talk about this later okay. We have a guest here and I can't keep him waiting." He said.

"Okay. Go ahead." I told him.

He walked away, out of my room and into the living room. I sat back down on my bed and began playing my keyboard. -----------------------------------

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