Chaptet 19

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The sun shot me icy blue eyes. It's morning.

I felt something warm and cozy against my frail cheek. It was my brother Jayden. I guess we had both fallen asleep during our soap opera scene from last night.

Lying with him makes me feel like when we were kids. Every time when one of us would get a nightmare or think there was a monster under our bed or in our closet we would just go to the others bed and sleep with them. As soon as we would snuggle up next to each other we would safe for some reason. I don't know how or why but we just would. And even though that was years ago I still feel the same way. I feel safe and secure.

I stay lying down for a few hours. Wanting to feel the safety from my brother. Then he wakes up.

"Mmmmmmmm........" he moans out loud.

When he a bit more awake he realizes I'm here. I pretend I'm asleep.

"Hey Na-Na! Good morning." He nudges me.

"Morning Jay-Jay." I greeted.

A moment of silence.

"Hey Naomi?" He questions.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what? Comforting you? Because if that's it then don't worry about." I told him.

"No, for always being there for me." He murmured.

"What are twin sisters for?" I joked.

He smiled and laughed. We laid there in some more silence and then he got up and left. I started to smell good pancakes and bacon being cooked. The scent flew all through the house.

The scent made me think of when mom was here. Jayden and I would always wake up to the smell of breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, French Toast, etc. Should would make any kind of food for us to smell and wake up to.

I got up and started walking out my bedroom door. I slowly tip-toed down the hall. Inhaling the scent of pancakes and bacon. As I slowly tip-toed I heard Jayden humming. He hums just like what our mother use to do when she cooked. She would hum the most beautiful melody. I started to really walk and listen to the humming of my brothers voice.

"You were always a momma's boy." I blurted out jokingly.

He laughed.

"You know it!" He joked.

We then heard the mailman drive by.

"Wow! We finally got mail! It's been forever." Jayden said.

"I know right! You keep cooking and I'll go and get it." I offered.

I walked out on the patio and when down the steps. I headed over to the mailbox. The mailbox was white and on it had each of our hand prints. My mother's, my father's, Jayden's and mines. All different bringer colors.

I opened the mailbox and checked it out. There were a few ads, some bills, and their it was. A letter from where my father is working. But there was something different. He didn't address it like he normally does: My Two Rascals. It just said: Jayden and Naomi Klarkson. Then I looked at the return address. It wasn't from my father. It was from his co-worker Daniel Gregory.

Why would he be sending us a letter?

I ripped opened the envelope. I took out the neatly folded paper and unfolded it. I then fall on my knees as I read it. Tears started to swell down my face.

It read,

Dear Jayden and Naomi,
I'm so sorry to inform you that your father is no longer with us. He was killed on our expedition in the jungle. He was poisoned by a venomous plant. He entered a slow death. But throughout the whole time all he could talk about you, Jayden, and your dear mother. I'm so sorry for your lost. I know it isn't easy for me so I can only imagine how it is for you reading this. I'll be there as soon as possible with his corpse for the funeral. He will be safely reserved until then. I can promise you that.

Lots of love,
Daniel Gregory

My father was dead. My father is gone. Like a leave in the wind. He was picked and was blown away from out reach. Never to return. The thought stabbed me in the chest. Now, Jayden and I are orphans. No mother. No father. Nobody but each other. My chest started to ache. My breathing. Well, it was as heavy as it's ever been. I think I'm going to faint. I felt lightheaded.

My father. The man to helped create me. The who loved me and cared for me. He's dead.

This is really happening! I must be dreaming! Yeah! That's it. I just have to wake up. Wake up Naomi. Wake up! WAKE UP NAOMI!!! Your dreaming!

I kept slapping myself. Trying to wake myself up. But then the most saddest thing happened. I realized I wasn't dreaming.

"Naomi!" Jayden started to call.

I can't let him see me like this. Not after what had happened last night. This would be too much for him. I quickly stood up and ran down into the trail. Leaving the letter behind. I could heard Gorgi running behind me. Barking and barking as he ran on my tail.

When I got far into ten trail I sat down against a tree. Gorgi caught up to me  and jumped up on my lap. 

About eight years ago, my mother died slowly and painfully. I hurt for her to breathe. Now, in an instant, I find out that my father also went through a slow painful death. I don't what to do, My only parents, the last one I had left, is now gone. He's gone and he isn't coming back.

Would this have been how he would've felt if I had actually achieved killing myself? Would he be having a mental breakdown just like what I'm having? Would he be crying my eyes out? and what about Jayden? Would he stay with my lifeless body until the funeral? Could he even be able to look at me without crying? Would he have thought that it was his fault? Would he be able to recover from losing mom, then me? I guess I now realize that if I did kill myself, then I would've put my brother and my father through so much pain. The most important people in my life. They would've had to go through so much pain and torment all because of me.

I lie down against the shady tree. I feel the breeze blow gently on my face. I close my eyes and focus on the tears that were running down my cheeks. Then I opened them.

"Daddy? If you're there. Then I'm sorry. I'm sorry for shutting you out. I'm sorry for rarely talking to you whenever you were home. I know I haven't been your sweet little girl for the past eight years. And I know that if I said that I want to be the daughter you always wanted them you'd say that I already am but I want to be the daughter you deserve. And I don't know if I can ever be that. But I am going to at least try. For you daddy." I spoke aloud. 

Hoping that somewhere, my dear father heard me.


Hey Dreamers!

Hope this chapter really got you and will want you begging for more! HAHA!!!!! I hope everyone is enjoying this book.

So what do you think Naomi will do now? How will Jayden act when he finds out about his father? And what's going with Naomi and Brice?! Will get together or what? 

Well, I guess you're just going to have to find out in teh next chapter!

Until then,

Later Dreamers!

Keep Dreamin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Shy Girl and the Jockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें