You Cause Our Pain

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Bts Pov

They all froze when they heard the front door open click up. They all not supposed to be in his house cause that's one of Kens rules, he is to protective over him and it makes them all want to vomit. They want to snatch that engagement ring off that bastard finger.

They all ran and hide in different directions throwing anything that shows that they where in the house away. Jungkook ran inside of Jin's room and went under the bed, Namjoon did the same but he hid inside the closet, Hoseok went behind the T.V and placed the blue blanket that was on the couch over himself, Yoongi hid under the couch, Taehyung and Jimin hid behind of Jin's dresser moving the chair closer to them to hide better.

They heard him yell his name in happiness and excitement. They know how protective he is towards Jin but they'll be even more protective. Once again he yelled his name in little worry this time hearing his footsteps walking up the stairs, Taehyung and Jimin froze in place once the door flew opened hitting the wall waking up Jin who bolted up holding his chest with both hands.

Ken Pov

"God Jin I didn't know you where asleep. I though you had your earphones in." I said walking towards him and sitting next to him bringing him to lean on my chest. This always makes him feel better.

"N-No....K-K-Kennie.." Jin said smiling into my chest, hugging me slightly.

"How long were you sleeping baby?" I said petting his head making him tired.

"O-Only........for....2-2...2 minutes.." Jin yawned snuggling into my chest even more holding my other hand that was resting on his thigh.

"Do you want me to sleep with you after I shower?" I asked placing him down on the bed.

"Y-Yes Kennie." Jin said sleepy hugging his heart pillow.

I sighed at how adorable he his and how gorgeous as well. I went to grab an plain white shirt, sweatpants and clean underwear then walked towards the bathroom but I heard an noise from the living room but I decided to check it after getting out of the bathroom.

Hoseok & Yoongi Pov

Yoongi heard what was happening upstairs and was he was pissed. It's like he knew they were here and he wanted them to hear every last bit of what's happening. Hoseok knew that Yoongi was pissed he can hear his heavy breathing from three footsteps away, once they heard an door close Yoongi rushed out under the couch with anger showing in his eyes not noticing that he knocked the glass table making an flower vase over causing an loud nose to echo all over the house and cracking the vase causing more sound.

Yoongi and Hoseok frozen in place while Yoongi was trying to hold in an yell from the glass sticking into his hand as blood rush out at an fast pace. They heard an door close, when that happened Yoongi punched the floor in both anger and pain.

"Yoongi I get that your angry but....... *sigh* COME DOWN!!! Hoseok screamed at him. Yoongi was unfazed but he made him angrier.

"LOOK WHO FUCKING TALKING YOU FUCKING HORSE BITCH!!!!!" Yoongi yelled even louder than Hoseok causing him to back up into the television. Most of the anger was from the pain in his hand.

Before Hoseok can respond they heard rushing feet and they hid once again thinking that it's Ken. But it's not.

"Guys come out right now!" They heard Namjoon.

Hoseok and Yoongi came out from their hiding places. Namjoon was both angry with them and Ken.

"Come one we have to leave cause I know that mother fucker heard the both of you and will take an quick shower now!" Namjoon explained yanking Hoseok by his hair and grabbing Yoongi by his arm and rushing outside to their car where the others were at waiting. All of them were pissed off for an good reason. The reason why...........................................

That bastard caused us 2 years of agony..........................

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