“I sure hope so.”

“What do you want it to be?” Nick asked.

“I really don’t know, you?”

“I don’t care as long as it is healthy.”


“Good morning Mrs. Jones.”

“Good morning Casey, you seem happy.”

“Oh I am I going to an ultrasound appointment today, I have the option to find out the sex but I don’t know if I want to.”

“Well being surprised is nice, we did with my little girl Brianna. When are you going?”

“In the middle of this class. Here is my note.” She smiled.


“Are you ready?” Nick looked at me as we got called into the doctors’ office.

“Yeah, it isn’t too big of a deal especially since we aren’t finding out the sex.” We walked in.

 “Well the baby is doing great, it is healthy and growing appropriately.  Do you want to know the sex?”

I looked at Nick and he said he wanted to be surprised, “No, we want to be surprised.”

“Okay, well if you want to know in the future I would be glad to tell you.” We nodded and left the office.

“Everything good?” I nodded.

“We didn’t want to know the sex yet, but yes everything is great.” I smiled.

“Well that is okay, it is great to be surprised.” She smiled.

I decided not to go back to school, I was really tired and I felt really pregnant, I even really showed today. I felt so weird. When we got back to the house I went upstairs and took my shirt off and lunged in a sports bra and shorts, I was really hot again. Nick came over and laid next to me and rubbed my stomach.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” I smiled at him and he kissed me again, he seemed to love kissing today, “why do you enjoy kissing me today?” I giggled.

“Because I love you and I love this baby, so I kiss you 2 times extra one for you and one for the baby.” She joked.

“Oh, Nick. I love you.” We laughed and just laid in silence. I drifted into a nap and I think Nick did but I knew I was tired. I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom and when I looked at the time it was almost 8.

“Well good morning beautiful.” Nick laughed.

“Haha, I slept that long?”

“Yeah, but you seemed over tired and you needed it. Go grab something to eat, you need to, and then take your shower, maybe you still have enough sleep in you to get through the night.” He joked.

“Oh so funny.” I laughed.

I went downstairs and grabbed an apple, I wasn’t too hungry which was odd for me, I have been craving all sorts of things lately. I sat at the kitchen table and ate it slowly.

“Hey Casey, are you okay?” Theresa came and sat across from me.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Why am I so tired?” I asked her.

“Well it’s natural in pregnancy. Everything is changing now, you are in your second trimester, and you should be eating more than an apple for dinner.”

“I’m just not hungry tonight.”

“Well, I am just saying as a heads up. Another heads up is if you get sick every now and then that is natural as well, some foods or drinks may not settle well in your stomach.”

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