Author's Note

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Edit: Before you all read, here's an announcement. I wrote this book when I was in seventh grade, so.....I was 12 at the time. There's mistakes, and plotholes? I think there's plotholes. Just a head's up. Don't let this stop you from reading though :) I'm in the process of editing this too, so once I'm done it'll be better. 

Hi guys! 

Thanks for choosing to read this book lol, it actually means a lot :)

Does anyone even bother to read author's notes

This book is PJO/HP. Where Percy finds out that Voldermort is his grandfather and stuff. But this book is different. I have read so many books about how Percy is Voldemort's grandson, but Percy doesn't join Voldemort. He goes with Harry, Hermione, and Ron and ends up defeating his own grandfather.

But this book.... I am planning to make it so that Percy goes and actually meets his fricking grandfather before like... joining up with the Golden Trio and going to kill Voldemort.

In this book, Percy is actually going to accept Voldemort as his grandfather. I'm going to make it so that Percy befriends Draco Malfoy and the other Slytherin's and he's going to loathe Harry, Hermione, and Ron like the other Slytherin's.

I think I'm spoiling too much already. But I have some more things to say before I continue writing.

1. This book is going to have slow updates. Yeah, I'm sorry, but it's hard to balance out writing with school, swimming, homework, and math class all at once. But I'm obviously not going to take like a month to update, don't worry.

2. All the ships from Percy Jackson and Harry Potter will remain the same. I don't want to change anything, I like them all the way they are.

3. I'm not going to add any demigods that are wizards except for Percy. So basically I'm not going to add half wizard, half god people except for Percy.

4. I got my inspiration from spending countless hours reading Percy Jackson being Voldemort's grandson. Since I was so obsessed with it, I decided to make my own.

5. I'm going to read over everything when I'm finished writing this book. If I have any grammar mistakes, please kindly point them out to me. Thank you.

And that's pretty much it. Now let's get on to the story, shall we? 

DISCLAIMER: I'm obviously in no way Rick Riordan or J.K Rowling, even though I want to be. All the characters go to them. 

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