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At around 9:30am, Ivy's rotary phone rings loudly. She sits up and looks around frantically, while Richie groans and hugs a pillow over his head.

Sleepily, she reaches out and picks up her phone.

On the other line is a panicked Bev, who is speaking too fast for Ivy to make sense of anything she's saying. Ivy's eyebrows knit into confusion as she listens in.

"Wait, what? I-I just woke up, speak a little slower..."


Ivy's eyes widen and she finds herself falling out of her bed and towards her closet. Richie sits up and looks at her with a questioning look.

"Bev needs us to go over!" She explains, pulling on clothes and clipping Novocane's leash on.

Richie reluctantly climbs out of bed and follows the girl out of her house. He is far too tired to be concerned with the thought of her parents seeing him.

Once the two are outside, Ivy climbs onto her bike, and Novocane hops onto her lap. The dog's front paws lean on the metal between the bike handles.

"What happened? She on her period or something?" Richie jokes, beginning to bike towards the red-headed girl's house.

Ivy rolls her eyes, "I don't know."

As the two approach the house, they see the other boys all riding in the same direction. Richie decides to leave the fact that he slept over at Ivy's a secret.

Bev is stood by her apartment stairs, looking paler than usual.

She rushes towards the losers as they all begin to hop off their bikes.

"I need to show you guys something.." she says, looking between everyone.

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie snorts, causing Stan to flick his arm.

"Shut up, Richie! Shut up!" Eddie says, panicked by the thought of Bev being hurt.

After his personal encounter with the leper, he can't help but be on edge. He worries that his friends might have the same thing happen if they're not too careful. Bev gives the nervous boy a thankful glance.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out boys have been in the apartment..." the freckled girl trails.

"W-We'll leave a lookout. Richie st-stay here," Bill commands, dumping his bike and following Bev.

The others begin to follow closely behind.

"What the fuck? I don't even know what her dad looks like! What do I even do if he shows up?"

Stan rolls his eyes.

"Do what you always do– start talking!"

"It's a gift!" Richie shouts back.

He plays with his fingers a little before growing the courage to say a little more.

"Hey, Ivy!" He calls.

The girl stops, and Novocane comes to a halt behind her. She turns back to face him as the other leave her behind.

"What now, Tozier?"

He grins.

"Don't you want to stay out here with me?"

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