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The bell chimes, echoing throughout the entire school. It indicates the much needed end of this dreaded school year. All kids flee from their classrooms, not giving their teachers a second look. They crowd into the hallway, laughing joyously, for it was summer break!

Ivy Lee Okonma takes her time exiting the classroom.

Her service dog, Novocane, patiently waits beside her as the teacher huffs impatiently. The lady is as desperate as the kids she teaches to leave the campus for summer break. Yet, she is being held up by the same student she had been all year.

Ivy throws her an apologetic smile.

It wasn't her fault, really. She couldn't help it. Shakily, the girl walks towards the exit.

One step, breathe, two steps, breathe, three steps, breathe.

Finally, she's out of the classroom and into the now empty hallway. Relief runs through her veins. She looks down towards Novocane, who in turn gives a puppy-like smile.

Ivy's grip on the dog's leash loosens. She continues down the hallway normally. Thankfully, with no Henry Bowers in sight. A tiny grin rides onto her face as she steps out of the school and into the fresh summer breeze. Her eyes travel over the police officers standing at the front of the school.

It's sad to her. All the missing children.

Novocane tugs her down the steps of the school, and her eyes drift away from the cops and towards Richie Tozier and his small group of friends. A blush climbs her cheeks, and she glances away from the group.

True, by Spandau Ballet, plays lightly as the girl watches him.

As she walks past them, she hears their whispering come to a halt. Panic rushes through her veins as she speeds up her pace, Novocane desperately tries to keep up.

Richie stares after the girl, a blank expression evident. Bill grins.

"Th-There goes your g-girlfriend," He teases, to which Richie gags.

"Yeah right, I'd rather date Eddie's fat mom," He retaliates, with a smirk.

Eddie punches the side of his arm, clearly annoyed. Richie only laughs in response.

Stan raises an eyebrow, climbing onto his bike. "What's so bad about her again?"

Richie rolls his eyes.

"Well, isn't it obvious? She has some weird disease and that's why she has a service dog with her all the time. I don't want to catch whatever she has!" Richie huffs, climbing onto his bike as well.

He's already irritated from the little Henry encounter from a few minutes ago, now this? What a crappy way to start the summer off.

Stan rolls his eyes and waits for the other boys to get onto their bikes.

"That doesn't mean she has a disease idiot."

"Whatever, I still think she's weird. Plus, it's like she's always watching me– and I know I'm pretty damn sexy– but I'd rather have Janice Baylor's eyes on me," He grins, staring off dreamily.

The other boys roll their eyes.

"In your dreams," Eddie laughs, beginning to ride off.

Stan and Bill follow.

Richie breaks out of his gaze.

"You've got that right, she's always in my dreams, if you know what I mean," He winks, biking after his friends in a hurry.

Despite his harsh words about Ivy, it wasn't entirely Richie's fault for thinking that. Everyone in the school kept away from the 'diseased' girl. They teased and taunted her for having a service dog, and created terrible rumors about what her illness might be. Even the teachers avoided her. To everyone in town, she was a misfit.

If that wasn't enough, her parents were junkies and could barely keep up with rent.

Everyone knew of their reputation, and automatically assumed that the girl was bound to end up like them. For the longest time, she was left to have no friends. Until a boy named Ben Hanscom moved to town.

She met him at the library.

They became friends immediately. Outside of school, at least.

They never talked during school because Ivy has too many other things on her mind while she's in that hellhole.

Her crush on Richie Tozier began during the 3rd grade, when he lent her a pencil when no one else would. It was the closest thing (before Ben) that she ever got to kindness. She admired Richie's confidence and vibrant personality. He is everything she is not. So she finds herself unintentionally attracted to him.

"Wanna go to the library today? Or do you want to go sing to the forest animals?" Ivy hums, throwing a questioning look to her dog.

Novocane barks.

"Okay well, I don't speak dog so you'll have to be more specific. Bark once for the first option, or twice for the second."

If a dog could roll their eyes, Novocane would've.

One bark erupts from the dog. Ivy smiles and nods, changing directions towards the library. The only time Novocane wanted to be at the library was when she wanted to nap. Upon arrival, they enter quietly and see that Ben is already there. Ivy rushes towards the boy, and sits across from him with a grin. Novocane follows and lays by her chair.

Ben looks up with a smile.

"Hey, Ivy." He whispers, trying not to attract attention.

Ivy waves back in reply, pulling out her own book while her dog naps quietly. There was a certain glow to Ben that Ivy caught onto, and couldn't help but be curious about.

"What's got you so happy?" She wonders out loud.

Ben looks up with wide eyes.

"Something happen?" She hums, eyeing him curiously.

"How can you tell?" Ben questions with a blush.

"I'm an observer, I read people pretty easily!" She softly giggles. "So what has you smiling?"

"Oh. Well, other than the fact that it's summer" he grins, "this beautiful girl talked to me after school. She's was so nice, and had this pretty smile..."

Ivy giggles as a look of love reigns in his eyes.

"That's nice. Maybe you'll see her again this summer," She suggests, going back to reading her book.

"I doubt it," Ben hums before indulging into his own book.

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