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The whole way there, Ivy does her best to be kind. She compliments Richie every chance she gets, and Stan throws an apologetic look every time he shuts her down.

Once they near the drop off, Ivy begins to seriously regret her decision to come along. How could she jump if she's afraid of water?

Novocane senses her fear, and as a dog, decides to make the first move. The dog jumps off the cliff as soon as they get there.

Panicked, Ivy quickly pulls off her clothing and jumps after the dog.

The boys stare dumbfounded and blushing.

"Holy shit!" Richie shouts, looking over the edge as the girl resurfaces and begins cussing at her dog.

If a dog could laugh, Novocane was definitely doing that, even the boys could see the dog's smug face as it paddles around the water.

"You piece of shit! You scared the crap out of me! I don't even like water how could you do this to me?!" Ivy exclaims, splashing the dog.

The dog howls back at her, paddling around. Stan can't help but laugh at the whole ordeal. Despite seeing her so easily jump, they still weren't to confident about jumping down.


Suddenly, the wild red head, Beverly, is also in the water.

"What the fuck! We just got showed up by two girls and a dog!" Richie exclaims, pushing up his glasses.

The other boys look between each other.

"D-Do we have to do that?" Stan asks.

"Yup," Bill states.

One by one, they all begin to jump off the cliff. Novocane swims back to shore and sits on a rock, observing as the teens splash one another and laugh loudly.

A smile is shared between Bill and Beverly as the others joke around.

Ivy does her best to keep her eyes off Richie, not wanting to come off as a complete stalker. Richie does the complete opposite, never letting his eyes leave Ivy. Not even to splash Eddie.

Something about her in the water, it just made her even prettier than she already was.


He can't help but roll his eyes at himself. Ivy Okonma was definitely not Janice Baylor.

Janice Baylor is the ideal girl to be with. Perfect in every way possible. Perfect family, perfect hair, perfect life. Richie often found himself swooning over the girl for the same reason that Ivy swooned for him. They are complete opposites. Richie is usually pretty loud about his feelings towards Janice, and even then, Ivy pretends it's nothing.

She really wants to believe that Richie can do her good, but his constant attitude is starting to make it hard.

"What's on your mind?" Beverly asks from beside her.

Ivy flinches, allowing a blush to climb her face.

"Oh uh– nothing. I'm just...I'm just scared of water," Ivy hums.

She isn't entirely lying. She really is scared of water.

Bev nods watching as the girl flinches each time Richie makes a dirty joke about Janice Baylor.

"Let's get out," Bev encourages, pulling her towards the shore.

Ivy throws a look of appreciation and follows.

"You're really brave. To so easily peel your clothes off like that," The frail girl compliments.

Bev looks up confused, only now catching all the bruises scattered along her body.

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