Chapter 13 ()

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Third person's  POV 

She keep on running. No turning back. She ran and ran away from him. 

"Tiana!" She heard someone shout her name but she don't dare to look back. Suddenly she was stopped by a hand gripping on my wrist. 

"LET ME GO!" she said as she snapped the hands off. The person held her shoulder and turned her around.

"It's me It's me. Shh don't worry" It turns out to be Jungkook.

She sighed in relieve. She slowly calmed down. 

"Why are you running? Is someone chasing you?" He asked while looking around.

"No, there's not." She shook my head. 

"Then why are you running?" he asked while crouching down to her level.

She made up her mind. She need to tell him who is she. Or what is she. Before that maniac kills all of humans here. 

"Jungkook- It's not safe here anymore." She said while holding onto his arm. 

"...Huh? What do you mean by that?" He asked as he widened his eyes.

"Actually Jungkook ah-. I'm not the one you think i am." She trailed.

He tilted his head to the side a bit. She's gonna do it. No matter what.

"I-" She was stopped by a voice in her thoughts.

'Better hide that sweet pretty boy. My clan will come. Soon'  the voice said. I knew it. That stupid jerk. 

She groaned. "Follow me Jungkook ah. Please." She pleaded. He nodded in response.

She pulled his hands and quickly went out of the school. Of course the guard didn't see us. She went to her mom's house. 

"eomma." she blurted out

She looked at me with worried eyes. "What happened Tiana?" she asked.

"Please please hide him.I beg" she widened her eyes

"M-myungsoo's back?"Tiana nodded as she started to cry. Jungkook behind her is so confused.

"wait- what's happening? Tiana why are you crying? Who's Myungsoo? Why must i be hidi-" she stopped him with a very shocking statement.

"I'm vampire Jungkook." she said. He dropped on the floor. "So, you- you're the one who killed my family? My only one?" she quickly shook her head. "noo Jungkook i'm not. I never kill people."

He turned to her with a teary eyes. "Then who??!" he yelled. I looked down. He quickly run out of the house. And of course, she used her vampire ability and appeared in front of him. Her eyes flashed red when she used her vampire ability so he could see her eyes.

"You're not going anywhere. " She said while looking at him. She took his hand and teleported back to the house. "It's dangerous out there!" she said.

"I don't care! At least i'm not surrounded by vampires." he said while panting. 

"There's more vampire to come and you said you would be out there than us?!" she yelled at him as he flinched because her eyes are still red. 

"the one who killed your family is that new teacher." she said as she sat beside him. She sense his anger with his curled fist. 

"I'm gonna kill hi-" She held his hand and pulled him down.

"No. This is my battle. I don't want any of you involve in this." She said to her mom, Mark and Jungkook. Also bangtan who just arrived. She looked at them standing at the doors. She again use her vampire ability and appeared in front of them. 

"Remember, stay here until I say so. " She looked at them with her stupidly scary red eyes. 

"...o-o-okay." Namjoon stutters. 

She turned to mom's direction. "Eomma, take care of them. Also, don't wait for me." She smiled sadly and exited the house. Before she can exit the house, 

"Hey there babe~" he appeared at her gate. 

"M-Myungsoo." She stutters. "Get the hell out of here now!" she said as she held her baseball bat up high and at the same time, closed the door. 

"Hell to the no." He smirked with his fangs coming out. She growled at his clans to warn them not to come closer. As expected, they backed out.

"If you coming here to take me as your princess again, fuck no. " She smirked. 

Suddenly, she heard a scream in the house. That belongs to mom. No. She wanted to get into the house but that bastard held her. 

"LET ME GO!" She squirmed. 

"Open the door." He ordered one of his clan.

He opened the door and the sight in front of her is horrible. She struggled to escape his grip but it was a big failure

"Let him go! You're after me not him! Let him go!" she said as the boy in front of Jungkook turned around. She  widened my eyes. Jungkook was tied on a chair along with bangtan, Hyemi and mom. "KIM SEOJUN!!" She shrieked. That bastard still holding her. 

"woah woah chill~ wow such a protective girlfriend you have there Jungkook." Seojun said. 

"I TOLD YOU LET HIM GO!" she  screamed as she elbowed that bastard's stomach. she escaped for a while but all his clans held her. 

"Sure... But, you have to tell him the truth. Who are you and what are you." He smirked. She mentally smirked as she have a plan. 

"....What?!" She faked. He smirked. 

"Jungkook ah... I'm actually a motherfuckin actress!" She yelled as she tackled one of the clan with her strength and ripped his neck off. She held her head up just to see Seojun and Myungsoo's scared face. 

The other guy tried to pounce on her but she dodged and held him down. She ripped his neck too. The other clan ran away. She wiped the blood stain on her mouth as she walked up to them. 

"You think you can defeat me with this? Don't you remember who I am?" she smirked as she took something in the drawer and hid it behind her back. 

She turned to them and pointed the gun to them. An iron bullet gun. 

"I'm the freaking daughter of the KING of vampires." She was about to shoot their heads but someone tackled her down and threw the gun away from her. 

"I'm sorry baby girl." She recognize this voice. "Mark?" she turned to him but he twisted her arms. 

"You think you would defeat us?" he scoffed. "Mark let me go what the hell are you doing?!!" She squirmed. 

He let her go and said. " You worthless Tiana. I'm the strongest in this family and, i'm one of them." he said while pointing the gun at Jungkook. He was about to pull the trigger but then Tiana jumped in front of him. Wrong timing. Tiana got shot by her own brother.

The bullet hit straight to her heart. She panted and the three bastards ran away. She slid down on the floor while holding her heart. Jungkook was the first one to catch her. He laid her down on his lap. 

"No no no don't die please." He begged. She then gave him a sad smile. She touched his face and looked at the others. 

"I love you guys." she closed her eyes. Everybody started crying. Jungkook was the loudest. He cried while hugging her. "No!!" he screamed

Suddenly, she opened her eyes. "Boo!"



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