Chapter Seventeen - One of Us - Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Are you alright?" Samuel suddenly asked. His voice was softer now, though just barely. 

"I'm fine," I answered quickly. 

I was anything but fine. I let out a long breath, trying to pull back the tears. Desperation was starting to sink in, but I knew I couldn't let myself break down. Not yet. 

"You need to stop moving. Put pressure on your side."

I nodded as I brought my hands to my injury, forcing myself to apply a light pressure against the bandages. Painful screams threatened to escape my lips, but I somehow managed to hold them back.  Instead, I let my legs give out beneath me, my body falling limply against the wall.

Samuel let out another long breath. Silence fell between us as my mind tried to wrap around the night's events. It was definitely struggling. I couldn't stop the images of the past few hours from replaying in my mind, allowing myself to feel the hurt and betrayal all over again. Fresh tears formed in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I wouldn't let the bastards see me cry. 

Samuel grunted as he tried to move, but quickly fell back down again. I watched as he struggled, feeling slightly guilty. However as soon as I felt the guilt creep in, I immediately pushed it away. I couldn't be soft. I couldn't let his weakness play on my sympathies. If I wanted to get out I had to be ruthless. So, I let my mind wander as I tried to distract myself and control my thoughts. 

It didn't work. 

No matter how I tried to act as if I didn't care, Samuel's struggling frame and freshly burnt skin were embedded deep into my thoughts. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him begrudgingly.

He grunted in response and tried shifting his weight again, unsuccessfully. 

The guilt made it's home in my chest. "Do you-" I hesitated. "do you need help?"

Silence fell for a few agonizing moments. I watched as he squirmed some more, clearly uncomfortable with the fact he wasn't able to move. 

"A kiss would be nice," he suddenly told me.

My eyebrows raised and eyes widened before I heard him chuckle softly. I let out a long huff, any and all forms of pity immediately disappearing. "That's not funny."

"I don't know, I'm laughing." He paused before continuing. "I mean, it was pretty one-sided last time."

My breathing hitched as I remembered our moment in the brush. "I wonder why," I practically growled. 

Samuel only laughed. "Ya, me too." 

I rolled my eyes and sighed as silence greeted us again. I continued to watch him struggle on the ground until he seemed to give up on moving. An angry breath of air came from his lips as his body fell still. His breath formed in the air as a white cloud, disappearing as soon as it arose. I shuddered at the cold, the burning in my side deciding to grow a little more. 

Sighing, I realized my body was refusing to forget its wounds to instead relive the night's events again and again. My hand traveled to the clothes matted against my body. Though they had cleaned the wound, the dirt found its way into the crevices of bandage once more. 

"How is your side?" Samuel seemed to sense my thoughts. 


"Did they clean it? Wrap it?"

I paused, remembering Samuel one condition for compliance. "Yes. It just reopened when they tossed me in here."

"Bastards," he mumbled. 

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