Spin the bottle! (>FILLER<)

Start from the beginning

Everyone was sat there stunned and dark red at what they just witnessed until angel finally spoke. "I... didn't think you would actually do it, holy shit." Angel said in disbelief. "Whatever let's just move on." Jess said as she spun the bottle which landed on Jackie again "Wait... Wasn't it my turn?". "Jackie, truth or dare?" Jess asked "Oh uh dare?" "Punch Angel as hard as you can in the arm again." Jess demanded. Jackie did exactly that without hesitating knocking angel over again. "Stop telling Jackie to punch me it hurts like hell." Angel said but Jess just flipped her off. Jackie spun the bottle and it landed on Jill "Truth or dare?" Jackie asked. "Hmmm Dare." Jill said. "I dare you to do a hand-stand on one hand for 10 minutes" she ordered. "Is that it? Pffft easy." Jill laughed as she placed her hand on the floor and effortlessly raised herself into a hand-stand, she even began to make different poses whilst doing it without breaking a sweat. "My turn!" Jill said excitedly as she reached for the bottle with her free hand and spun it. The bottle came to a slow stop on Slenda. "Hehehe this is gona be good." Jill giggled. "Truth or dare?" she asked. "Dare." Slenda stated making a wide grin creep across her face. Her expression reminded me of Angel when the bottle landed on me. "Slenda I dare you to sit on Y/n's lap until the end of the game." She ordered. "Slenda didn't really seem bothered by the dare most likely because she didn't understand what that meant for me!

She strolled over to me and carefully placed herself on my lap and to my surprise she was rather light but that didn't help the situation. Slenda leant forward to grab the bottle and spin it causing her to grind against my crotch. The only person who seemed know what was going on was the person who got me in this mess, the others looked confused about the last dare and kept glancing at me and Slenda trying to figure out what the big deal is. I was trying my best to hide it but Slenda's curvaceous body and perky round ass paired with her constant fidgeting was making it rather...hard. The bottle had landed on Jane but I couldn't hear what they were saying as I was fighting to keep myself under control. I shot a glare at Jill who was just sat there watching me trying to hide her laughter. Slenda seemed to notice that I had tensed up and was about to speak to me as she turned when she felt something hard poke her ass and stop. Realising that she caught on I froze fearing the worst. Without saying a word she turned back to the game as the others argued about who the bottle landed on as it stopped dead center of Angel and Ann. A minute passed and Slenda began fidgeting again which was driving me crazy. Did she not realise? Is she just trying to get comfortable? But then it occurred to me she wasn't just fidgeting she was purposely grinding on my groin! She was trying to be subtle enough that the others didn't notice and thankfully Jill was distracted by the others so she never caught on either. I never too Slenda for the type to do something like this but to be honest I wasn't mad. Suddenly Slenda's slight grinding became a bit more aggressive sending my uh jackhammer into overdrive "I-Is she getting turned on by this?!". I unconsciously grabbed her by the hips and felt her slightly quiver from my touch confirming my suspicion. Suddenly a loud crash broke me and slenda out of our euphoric dazes as we saw Jane and Jess pull knives on each other. "Thank god for their short tempers." I mentally sighed in relief. Slenda peeked over her shoulder and looked me dead in the eye with a pink blush across her face before turning back to the girls and standing up to break them up. But as she got up it looked like her leg gave in slightly making her lose balance for a moment but quickly recovered. Whilst everyone was distracted I took the chance to slip away unnoticed back to my room and recover. If not for those two arguing there's no telling what would have happened and honestly I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to find out.

I'm in a bit of a rut with the main story at the moment. As some of you metioned (cant remember who it was) the story hasnt had a whole lot of romance in it which is kinda bad seeing as this is meant to be a x Femcreepypasta story. The things is I dont really want to force a romance situation if I can help it. For example I dont want to make Jane or Jackie suddenly start throwing themselves at Y/n to speed up the romance I prefer to build into that sort of thing if you get what I mean. The answer to my problem might be obvious but I'm just being to narrowminded or something I dont know but hopefully I figure something out soon :/. Anyway I'm sorry for not posting anything for so long and hopefully this filler/update might make up for that a little. I'll see you all in the next one!





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