Running With You 31

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William sat across from me, we were sitting down in the dining room for dinner after what happened with my newly found father.

Neither of us had said a word while we ate, I wasn't sure what to say, do I just act like everything is normal?

"Addie?" William mumbled his voice deep and but quiet, like he wasn't sure of himself. I looked up from my barely touched pasta to meet his black eye, finding myself lost in them like always.

"Yeah?" I replied, my voice equally as quiet as his. I glanced back down at my food, finding myself unable to even consider eating the rest of it. I pushed it away slowly and readjusted myself so I was sitting slightly straighter than I had been.

"Do you-" William started his voice louder than before but still unsure "Do you want to go for a run?" This sparked my interest, it had been weeks since I had shifted and with all this new information I would be glad to shift and get all the stress out.

I stood up abruptly causing William to jump slightly "I'll take that as a yes" he chuckled quietly to himself, standing up as well.

We walked out of the kitchen without another word, William standing tall by my side as always, he is like my wall, protecting me from everything.

Williams hand enclosed my own, folding our fingers together perfectly, the heat from the bond flowing in ribbons through my fingertips and up my arm.

I reached for the door handle and opened the door, pulling William behind me as I almost ran through the door.

"Slow down Princess, we have all night" William chuckled his hand squeezing my own in an attempt to pull me back to a slower pace.

"Not a chance, it's been forever since I shifted!" I giggled back, my excitement lacing my voice as I continued to yank William out into the ground yard, leaving the door wide open behind us.

William laughed as we came to a stop, yanking back on my arm which sent me flying back into his chest.

"I love you princess" William murmured in my ear, a smile in his voice, my cheeks flamed red as my mind ran blank.

"I love you too" I whispered back, a grin spreading over my lips as my arms snaked up around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

This moment felt perfect, I could almost forget about everything that was going on right now, all I knew was that my mate loves me and I love him.

heartbeat arms tightened around me effectively pulling me tighter into his embrace.

"Can we run now?" I giggled, my heartbeat picking up and my wolf jumped with glee, her presence in my head much stronger than it had been before the Luna Mark.

"Of course princess" William laughed releasing me from our hug.

William stepped back, looking at me with a heart-melting grin stretched across his perfect lips.

He grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled it up, over his head so he was standing in front of me in only pants. My eyes widened I before I giggled.

William wiggled his eyebrows at me, his grin turning to a playful smirk, I giggled more, enjoying seeing my mate so carefree.

Without warning Williams' bones started to crack, shift and adjust, his smooth tan skin turned to thick black fur which seemed to shine in the dim light of the moon, his jet black eyes were lined with electric blue. He shifted his huge head and I caught a glimpse of a swirl of grey on his neck, it was my mark, my coat colour mixed with his to show we were connected and he is taken, I smiled at the sight.

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