marked 26

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My breath caught in my throat, my eyes tracing over my mate as he did the same to me. My eyes darted up to him to find them flashing between black and electrical blue.

William's lips curved up in a sweet smirk, one that had my heart pounding in my chest with anticipation. My eyes followed his every move, from his hand twitching at his side to the tensed muscles under his shirt. I felt like pray, but I loved it.

He took a slow step forward, his eyes never leaving mine. I sucked in a shaking breath which caused William's smirk to grow into a predatory grin.

He stalked towards me, his eyes locked on mine, his eyes had settled, black rimmed with thick electric blue. I felt like I was drowning in the depths of his eyes, I didn't mind if I never found my way back to the surface.

All to soon he was right in front of me. I had to tilt my head right back to look into his eyes, but I didn't mind.

"I can't control myself right now" Williams voice was a hasky murmur, it had a shiver racing down my spine. I shook my head, not being able to form words in my head, my mind was consumed by him, his eyes, his voice, I wanted everything.

I stood up, but I was still much too short. I placed my small hands to his chest, feeling the muscles under my hand shift and tense.

"don't" was all I eventually managed to breathe. This seemed to cause William to tense even more, his eyes flashed before setting again, he inhaled a quivering breath, his eyes caught in mine.

In a second he had his lips on mine, sparks washed through me and momentarily I was kissing him back. This kiss was like nothing we had shared before, the world fell away and all I knew was I needed more, I couldn't stand the space between us, was mortified by the distance between us.

I found myself back on the bed, sitting in William's lap, our lips still moving together in a hurried attempt to get closer together. My arms went around his neck, pulling him closer to me. It still wasn't enough, but I didn't move to bring him closer.

I pulled away from my mate, gasping for air. I had forgotten to breath in the heat of the moment. William didn't bring me back for a kiss, instead his lips trailed from my jaw, leaving long tantalizing kisses down my neck. soon he reached the base of my neck, his hot mouth elicited a gasping moan to fall from my lips. This encouraged William, his kisses becoming more rushed; more heavy and soon I was a quivering mess at his delightful touch.

I felt his canines brush my skin, elongated and sharp. I knew that Will wanted to mark me, I knew he wanted to bind us together, and I wanted the same.

"do it" I whispered, my voice breaking with anticipation "please" my hands went into his hair, tugging at it softly.

That was all it took, I felt William pull back slightly before his teeth sunk into my neck. For a second I felt nothing, just his teeth puncturing my skin, but all too soon a searing pain ripped through my neck, shooting down through my body in wave after wave of excruciating pain. My body convulsed, trying to escape the pain that was taking over my whole body.

It felt like an hour but I knew it was only a matter of seconds before the pain dulled, changed and suddenly the waved of pain turned into surges of overwhelming pleasure. I found myself shaking for a whole new reason. I gripped onto William as I cried out, unable to cope with the intense feeling coursing through my body.

William, upon hearing my cry pulled away, his eyes met mine, black and blue seemed to swirl together as I stared into them.

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" William asked panicked. I shook my head, to show William I was fine, I grinned up at him.

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