Jamie the asshole Alpha 14

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"Oh, my fuck" came the loud scream from the door, my eyes snapped open and I leapt away from William with a scream. I turned to the door to see the one and only Michael.

"what the actual fuck Michael?" William shouted sounding frustrated. Michael was scrubbing his eyes with his hands chanting 'it never happened' over and over, like this was worse for him than me, I just got caught in a very intimate moment with my mate. I'm sure my cheeks were the colour of Roses when I climbed, or should I say stumbled from the bed.

"I was just going to tell you that the neighbouring alpha has arrived he wishes to speak to you." Michael muttered still rubbing at his eyes, I scoffed at Mick, and fell back onto the bed. William reached over and pulled be back towards him.

"put on some pants princess, I need a cold shower" William mumbled the last part before kissing my temple, I giggled the blush spreading more over my face.

"see you soon then" I whispered to Will as he stood up and walked into his bathroom. Michael still stood in the door looking awkward "so, ah, who is this Alpha?" I asked wondering who I was about to meet.

"his name is Jamie, he is a prick if you ask me" Michael replied leaning against the door frame, gee great, an asshole Alpha, that's exactly what I wanted to deal with. "his mate is nice though, her name is Maddie, she is a little quiet though" Mick added with a light smile in my direction.

I got up from the bed and grabbed my pants from the floor. "why are they here?" I asked my voice soft, I was still very embarrassed by the situation Mick had found me in. I pulled my pants up, doing a little dace it took to get them over my hips.

"just a few issues about borders nothing to be concerned about" he told me with a grin. "So, the alpha was about to mark you ha?" Michael asked making the blush that had left my cheeks to come back with vengeance, oh god the whole pack will know about this by sunset.

"N-no" I stuttered my reply, it was more than obvious that I was lying, but there was no way that I was going to admit that, not to anyone. The smile that had been playing on his lips multiplied tenfold. My reaction at that moment was to slap him, but instead I turned from him and flipped him off.

I located the cookie dough, which was hardly touched and used my fingers to grab a big chunk out of it, hey you can't judge me, this stuff was too good.

After a few minutes of me eating cookie dough, Will came out of the bathroom, he had on the same pair of jeans, but now he had on a tight grey V-neck shirt. Why does everything he that wears make his look so hot? "are you ready to meet Jamie?" he asked me, his eyes looked bored, like there were 100 other things that he would prefer to be doing. I understood, my irritation to this Alpha was building, if he hadn't been here then Michael wouldn't have interrupted William, then I would have been carrying Williams mark by now. but now that I think about it, since when did I want to be marked? I shrugged off the thought, deciding I would think about it later.

I took Williams hand when he offered it to me, the warmth and sparks made me feel more relaxed, as my nerves had started to pick up. I was meeting an Alpha that I had never met before, one that was rude and I don't even know much about him besides what Mick had told me.

We walked from the room, William and I behind Michael who was almost skipping down the hall, he is a strange guy, but nobody from the pack has seen his like this other than the people that live here.

"if you feel uncomfortable then I want you to tell me okay?" William said, squeezing my hand in his lightly. I wonder if there is a reason for telling me that, was he that bad? That William feels the need to tell me I can leave?

Instead of voicing this I instead replied with a quiet "sure". We were on the last set of stairs, I could hear noise coming from the living room, I knew that the voices must belong to Jamie and Maddie. Jamie's voice was deep, to some it may have been attractive, but it only sounded scary to me, it was loud, and full of authority, something I wasn't so used to with William, William was always kind. Maddie's voice, the one time I heard her speak in my decent down the stairs, was quiet, almost childlike in volume, soft and sweet, she couldn't have been older than me.

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