I smirked.


I winced.

Rima glanced over and behind me, grinning. “Here comes your girlfriend.”

I scowled, “She’s not my girl friend.”

“Well she sure as hell thinks so,” she quipped just as Sakura slammed into me.

“Get off,” I snapped and turned away from her, glaring when I heard Rima snicker.

“But Sasuke-kun, “she whinged, pouting.

Rima coughed and raised her eyes to the sky. Tazuna arrived soon followed by Kakashi.

I watched as he stood beside Rima, watched as she turned from him and ducked away from his raising hand, watched as his shoulder slumped and sorrow filled his eye. I watched all this, expressionless, yet I couldn’t understand why it was happening.

What happened between them that would make Rima so cold to her father?  I wondered.

‘Because, my father isn’t proud of the fact he has me’

What did she mean by that comment?

“WOOHOO!” Naruto screamed, fist punching the air.

Wait, when did he get here?


Rima’s p.o.v

Kakashi tried to rest his hand on my shoulder when he arrived. What did he think I was going to do? Act civil and polite with him, just because I was forced onto his stinking team? Ha! Now way in hell was that going to happen.

He let my mother die; he let her send me away. He stopped others from trying to protect me. He chose the Leaf over me and mother. He didn’t care for me, so why was he acting like it does? Was it so I would accept him and then he could get a kick out of rejecting me? Was he truly that cruel?

No, I wasn’t going to accept or forgive him any time soon. He was going to have to earn it. And I didn’t see that happening in the near future.

Ignoring his wounded expression, I stepped away and skipped back to narrowly dodge being trampled over by the Blob, Naruto.

“WOOHOO!” he screamed right in my frigging ear.

I clenched my fist.

“What’s with you, Naruto?” Sakura asked.

“This is my first time leaving the village! I am on official ninja now, believe it!”

“Am I really going to be safe with this nutcase?” Tanuza asked Kakashi.

“I am a Jounin and he is with me, so you will be safe,” Kakashi smugly replied.

“I believed I’d be most safe with just the girl on her own then with all of ye,” Tazuna retorted.

I smirked to myself as Naruto spun and pointed a finger at the bridge builder.

“My name is Naruto Uzimaki and I am going to be the Hokage! So you have to respect me, believe it!” he shouted.

“I wouldn’t believe it if I saw if a hundred times over,” Tazuna snorted.

“Why you!” Naruto took a threatening step forward.

I intercepted him. “You lay a finger on him and I’ll break it.”

Naruto gulped and whirled around, racing ahead.

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