part 4 i'm not gay!

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(tell me if there's typos)

Scott walked back to camp, with the firewood, it was already starting to get dark, and it was barely evening.

He had heard several noises on the way back, but brushed them off, not wanting to start getting paranoid.

He came up onto their makeshift campsite, smiling, when he realized that the guys had managed to make a few shelters.

"Hey scott! We made tents!"
Jeremy looked extremely proud of himself.

Scott looked, there were four tents, for six people, looked like they were made out of some tarps, and blankets, it looked pretty good actually.

Jeremy pointed "Kevin and Avi were used to sharing a room on tour, so they didn't want to be stuck like that again, therefore, Kevin and Kyle are in the same tent. Me and and Avi are together...apparently, and you and Kirstin get separate tents, her for obvious reasons, and you because that's just how it worked Out I guess, there's some extra room in yours for storage."

"I'm impressed!" Said Scott.
"I wasn't sure we'd have anywhere to sleep tonight, let alone separate tents!"

Kevin spoke up "and we have our food in a suitcase a bit farther away from camp, just in case there's bears, Or wild cannibals."

Scott laughed nervously.
"Yeah, good idea"

Kirstin looked up from her failed attempt at startia a fire "cannibals? Really kevin?" She rolled her eyes.

Kevin stood up, stretched his arms, and yawned.
"Well, cannibals or not. I'm beat. Don't know about you all, but I'm going to turn in for the night. See you tomorrow"

Scott looked at his watch.
"it's only ten."

"I know" he said,

"But I'm completely worn out, I didn't really sleep on the boat, so I'm more than tired."

"Honestly same."
Kyle chimed in.

"I know we were going to have a fire, but I'm worn out..."

Scott shrugged ,
"fair enough."
Kyle went into his shelter, Kevin close behind him.

"you know what?" Said Kirstie
"I'm going to bed too, before i get scared half to death because of alleged bears and cannibals"
She laughed, and yawned.
"good night everyone"
"'night Kirstie!" said Scott, waving.

Scott, Jeremy, and Avi, sat around the fire in silence for a bit, the others had probably already fallen asleep, when Scott spoke.

"So..." He said eloquently.
"Why do y'all seem to hate each other?"
Scott looked at them, and raised an eyebrow.

Jeremy shrugged "I don't hate anyone, but I do hate not getting enough sleep..."
He left abruptly, and went into the tent.

"OhKAY then..." Scott poked at the fire.
"Is it Kirstin?"
Avi laughed

"You heard y'all not get along because you like Kirstin?"

Avi sighed,
"Is it really that obvious?"
"yeah, Avi, it kinda is."

"Oh...I hope you're not upset that i have a thing for your girlfriend Scott."

Scott looked up from the fire.
"Yeah" continued avi.
"Don't worry though, I'm not going to steal Her, i'm not that kind of guy."

"Avi Avi Avi" Scott said, shaking his head.

"Kit and i dated years ago. It didn't work, we're too much like family. I didn't know you thought we were together."

Avi smiled "Thank God!
"But that doesn't mean you can have her." Scott inturrupted,

"Because big brother Scott is protecting her from the creepy man!" He flexed his bicep.

They both laughed.

"don't worry Scott. . . I barely know her! What if she thinks I'm a dweeb? And plus, I think she's into Jeremy..."

"A dweeb? Avi, you're adorable."
Avi stuck out his tongue maturely.

"I think she likes Jeremy too, but that doesn't mean you can't be friends with him. It isn't his fault."

Avi nodded "you're right, I'm being childish aren't I?"

Scott shrugged "you both are. But I just want to warn you...she's a bit nervous about bring the only girl surrounded by guys anyway... So don't come on too strong please, I don't want her to get worried."

"I didn't think about that...i guess she's probably worried that all of us are going to go after her. I mean, let's be honest, she's hot, and we're all straight guys, right?"

Scott laughed nervously.
"Yeah..." He said softly.
"Scott?" Avi raised an eyebrow.
"Are you okay? ...You are straight... right?"

Scott shifted around uncomfortably, lately,he had been noticing guys a bit more than usual, so this was a touchy subject.

"I understand Scott. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you ever need to talk to anyone, you can always talk to me. I won't judge."

"I'm not gay!" Scott blurted out suddenly.
Avi smiled.
"Even if you are straight as an arrow, it's normal to be a little interested in guys Scott."

Scott mumbled something under his breath.
"Avi, look...I don't like Kirstie, but i just, I don't know! I don't want to talk about it."

He put his head in his hands.
Avi walked over, and sat down next to him
"Scott. We've known each other for a while, so really, if you need someone to talk to, about anything at all, come to me."

Scott smiled. "Thanks Avi..."

They stayed talking for a few minutes.
"I'm going to bed now, what time is it?" Asked Avi
Scott looked down at his left wrist.
"Oh wow" he said. "almost eleven! We were talking for an hour?"
Avi yawned
"guess so! Hey, are you going to bed soon? You might want to get some rest."
"yeah, i need to make a quick pit stop, and then yeah."
"too much water?" Avi teased.
"shut up!"
Avi laughed, ave went into the tent with Jeremy.

Scott walked a little bit away from the tent site, but not too far, it was pretty dark out. The only light was the fire,because it was a cloudy night.
Scott jumped. He heard a sound in the trees. He looked up. Nothing there.
He quickly did his business, and started back toward the tent.
The moon came out from behind a cloud. Scott heard a sound from behind him.
He looked back, and gasped. Silhouetted against the night sky, he saw a man,hanging by his arm, from a tree branch. He was terrified, but just ran back to his tent, and zipped it up, praying that he was just imagining things.

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