part 2-crash

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(If i have typos, feel free to tell me,I won't get offended unless you're just plain mean about it. Also I apologize if this chapter seems rushed, It's basically a filler to get to the actual story and I wasn't quite sure how to do it. I hope it's semi ok..if you want complete honesty, this chapter is shit. But that's ok because the majority of the rest is already written, and just needs edited so hang tight!).

edit: ONE more note (don't kill me) yes, Jeremy is the "mitch" of ptx RN. I needed a fifth member,and also a Jeremy. and if y'all want, when the new bass comes along, I'll stick him in the story too. But for now, Jeremy is the 5th member of ptx.


It was the first night out on the water, everything was pretty calm, the sky was a bit cloudy, and it looked like rain was coming in. Nobody really seemed to notice though, but it was still perfect.

Nobody was asleep, despite it being 2:00 I'm the morning, they were all much too busy having fun.

Scott was dancing to Beyonce (as expected)

Kevin and Avi were talking about where the next tour should be,

Jeremy, was annoyed with them, and kept telling everyone to "loosen up" which scott would make a dirty joke about, every single time.

Kirstin was snapchatting everything, while scott photo-bombed, and Kyle ended up setting the boat to autopilot, and Joined the crowd.

The night went on pretty much like this, until around 4:00 am, when everyone had actually fallen asleep finally.

Kirstin was the only one awake at this point, she was peacefully watching the water, as it gently flowed around the boat,and looking at the sky.
It was peaceful.

Out of nowhere, her view of the beautiful half-moon, was blocked, by a dark cloud, completely darkening the sky.

She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, and stood up from her seat on the edge of the boat.

"That was extremely fast.." She mumbled.

Thunder cracked, and it suddenly began to pour.

She remembered Kyle saying that rain and storms wouldn't be a problem, unless the wind got too bad, so she didn't think anything of it, and laid down in her bed.

In what felt like two minutes (but was probably more like an hour or so)she was suddenly woken, by being thrown off her bed, by the boat rocking.

She screamed, her hair and clothes completely disheveled, and scrambled to the doorto get Kyle.

She stumbled out of her room, and carefully climbed the ladder, where she saw kyle already struggling with the steering.

"What's happening?" She asked, worriedly.

"We'll be fine, I'm calling in for support. This storm came out of nowhere!"

Jeremy came running up to the two of them, wearing a life jacket, and holding two more.

"The others are I'm their bunks, we had them put on life-jackets just in case things went wrong, just like you said."
He said, with a hint of panic in his voice.

Kirstin's heart began to pound faster.

"I thought you said we'd be fine!" She yelled.

Jeremy gave Kyle a look.
"Have you gotten through to anyone yet?"

Kyle shook his head, not looking up.
"I saw land to the east a few minutes ago, I'm trying to get there so we can dock."

The boat rocked to the side, throwing her and Jeremy up against the wall.

He handed her a life jacket.

"Just pray you don't need it."

She quickly put it on, "Kyle can you handle this storm? Are we gonna die?!"

He refused to look over at her.

The boat shifted again, and you could hear the screams of everyone on board. It was stronger wind than she had ever felt.

"Kyle oh my god, please tell me we'll be ok! I don't want to die!"
Jeremy was shaking.
"My mom would kill me if i-well...never mind."

Kyle still wouldn't look up or respond, and frantically steered the boat, the best he could.

"Kyle..." Kirstie said, holding on to the railings as tightly as she could.

"...we aren't gonna make it are we?"

He finally looked over at them, his eyes filled with tears.

"I...I don't know. I'm trying m-my best. I-"

The boat rocked again, harder than it had before. Kirstin clung onto Jeremy's shaking form, both to comfort him, and herself.

"I've lost control of the boat!"

Kyle held up the broken steering wheel, with panicked tears running down his face.
"Hold on as tightly as you can,there's nothing I can do! I'm so fucking sorry! All we can do is wait it out.."

Kiratie started sobbing, as she thought of the rest of her friends, probably just as scared as her, not having any idea how hopeless it was, and thinking they'd be safe in their bunks. She started praying for safety, hoping that God could hear her over the storm, and holding onto Jeremy, and the railing, as tightly as she could.

The boat rocked several more times, she felt water coming into it in huge waves, coughing and choking on the salt water.

She opened her eyes to see that Jeremy had hit his head hard, and passed out, and kyle was frantically trying to get back below deck.

She tried to control her breathing, and just kept praying.

She closed her eyes, and felt the boat hit something hard, and heard a loud crack, as something definitely broke.

It felt like the boat turned over a few times, she held on tightly, and screamed loudly, her mouth filling with water, that she kept spitting out.

And suddenly, everything went black.

I Am Cannibal (Rewrite)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt