Chapter 12

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"They've found us, we have to give her the watch." I hear a voice say.

"No, not yet, she's had so little time as who she is. We must give her some time." Another charming voice says. I take a deep breath and my eyes widen as the two people rush over to me, one being Jack.

"Oh my god." Jack mumbles "are you ok?" I slowly realize I just jumped off a building.

"No." I say, as my eyes start to water. I cry so easily, but why, just why. I look over to the figure looking down at me, we lock eyes and my back starts to hurt from the surface I lay on. "Who are you." I say in a light/weak voice. He rubs my arm.

"I'm the doctor." He says, then takes off his glasses. "I'm going to take some of your blood, okay?" He asks.

"Okay." I reply "you are the doctor, I suppose." I say as he walks over to some medical equipment.

"Dad." I say.

"Yes sweetie?" He asks.

"I- I'm sorry." He hugs me tightly. "I really am, I'm just scared." I say.

"I understand." Jack says. "Just don't do it again okay?"

"Okay." I say, and he kisses my cheek. "Where's Ianto?" I ponder.

"Oh he's just checking some- just some stuff." He says.

"What kind of- hey!" I shout, as the man presses a label onto my neck. "Hehe, hey..." I say, feeling fluffy.

"What's that?" Jack asks.

"It's an emotion, the problem is it's the only one I got and-" his sentence stops when I jump up and say,

"I'm going out." I run out of the room, with no one to stop me.

-Jack's POV-

"What the hell is she doing?!" I shout at the doctor.

"Well, I suppose she's going to snog the next person she sees, I really regret using an emotion sticker on her now." The doctor says "it was affection, I do know think back on it and hope its safe."

"WHAT!?" I exclaim, I run into the other room to see Owen wide eyed as Aleks forces herself on him and they make out. Owen flails his arms around. "Aleks!" I shout at her.

"You, you, y-you are no fun." She stutters as if she's drunk and points a finger at me.

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