Chapter 10

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I stuff my laptop in my bag and head out the door. Im glad my dad Jack doesn't bother about birthdays, but I know my father Ianto will. I use the override to make my homeschool website say I completed the website for the day, and open a blank file. I open my application and slide my headphones on, and take my jacket off (which I was only wearing so my dad would think I was leaving). The surveillance cameras pop up on my screen, my dad Jack pops up onto the screen (on cue), and walks into the building I don't have cameras in. All of a sudden, I get a signal.

"Yes!" I mumble to myself. I load up the signal, and then walk over to the other side of my room. I grab my gun from underneath my bed, and it's hidden away good so my dad doesn't see that I stole it. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar face pop up on the screen. It's Ianto and Jack (and another handsome man).

"Who is this?" Jack says. I must be out of camera view. This is my chance.

"Dad! Help!" I say.

"Mattea?!" Ianto shouts out. Ugh, he still calls me by that name, but the name isn't me anymore. I sneek behind the computer and shut off the camera. I have to leave the computer here. I grab my phone and head out of the house quickly.

I hide behind the alley as the van that my dads are in passes by. Once I hear them screech around the corner, I run to the statue. I've seen them walk through here before, but how?

All of a sudden, the platform moves into the ground with my on it.

"Yes yes yes!" I shout.

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