A shutter sound caused me to look back, Kihyun lowering his camera. "You're right. I can see everything from here."
I smiled, swivelling around to take in the pretty view. After a few moments, I returned to sit beside him, eventually laying with my head on his lap, eyes closed as his fingers twirled my hair.

"Upon thinking back, when I saw you at the park I didn't think we'd be in this position at all."

"What do you mean?" Kihyun asked.

"I never thought that you'd like me," my eyes remained closed. "not many people do."

"That's hard to believe."

"Well you should. I have only had two proper friends my whole life, and after one died, I was left with Jooheon only. Now I have you."

"You do. You have me." He responded, one of his hands gently squeezing my own, which was over my eyes.

"Please don't hurt me, Kihyun," I found myself speaking into the cold air. "so much has happened that I don't think I could deal with anymore pain."

"I would never," He said.
Moments ticked by prior to his next sentence. "what happened, Changkyun?"

"Where should I begin?"

He didn't say much more, resorting to pulling me upwards so he could wrap his arms around my upper body, and I could lean on his chest. The two of us stared at the city from above the tree tops. He held me like this up until the ride came to an end & only once back on the ground, did I look at his huge grin. My cheeks glowed red. "Are you hungry? I could do with some dessert?"

"Sounds like a plan." By default our hands interlocked, and we looked at each other for a second too long, before continuing on our way.
Kihyun drove us to a late-night American style diner on the outskirts of town, the two of us sat opposite each other in a booth table.
I only knew it because it was where Mom brought me after Soonyoung's funeral; as a lame attempt of cheering me up.
Like that day, it was deserted, a few tables taken up by people alone or with somebody else.

As we finished ordering, I looked to the door, Minjae entering accompanied by Mihyun, a girl in my English class.
I brought the menu up to shield my face.

"Everything okay?" I heard Kihyun ask.

"Spectacular, um, I was just-" I cleared my throat. "Just checking out the menu."

"So close?" He chuckled. "Do you want anything else? Is a milkshake enough for you?"

I nodded peeking over. "I'll be fine; I had dinner before I came to see you."

"I did too, but the cheesecake here? Amazing.." his eyes followed my gaze towards Minjae's table.

"So this is what it's like to look over the parapet."

"What an attractive couple."

"He's a prick."

"I take it back," Kihyun quickly sipped his shake. "acquaintance?"

"More like enemy. He has a tendency for bullying me. Ever since what happened he has gone out of this way to make sure I'm the next one to die. His latest feat is trying to out me," I sighed shaking my head. "Poor Mihyun, she's being cheated on."

"Do you have proof?" Kihyun asked and I nodded. "Send it to me-"

"You really want to see my bully getting it on-"

"God no, fuck. I just want to let her know, and perhaps get some sweet sweet revenge," The two of us looked on, Minjae ordering and Mihyun on her phone. Kihyun brought up His own phone too, typing quickly. "with some luck her airdrop is on- hello Minhyun, incoming photos, my love."

He pressed the button and immediately released his phone, the two of us continuing to act natural even then when she stared closely at us and everybody else, trying to figure out who's iPhone had just tired to forward some images.

She looked at her screen again, accepting the photos. Neither of us looked up, but knew the deed had been done when there was an echoing gasp.
Minjae re-surfaced from wherever he was, greeted by flying sauce holders, a whole jug of lemon water, and a hysterical Minhyun.

In the midst of the chaos, Kihyun and I slipped out of the diner, but not before Minjae noticed my presence. However I was too buzzed, hands shaking even when we got around to Kihyun's car. "You're insane!"
I exclaimed, however I was unable to hide my smile. "He's going to kill me."

"So you kill him right back," he laughed. "feeling a little better?"

"A little bit, yeah."

"Is your heart racing a little?"

I nodded.

"Good. Because that is exactly how you should feel your entire life, Im Changkyun. As if you are alive." He put his hands on his hips, proudly looking up at the sky. At that moment, his eyes sparkling under the dull lights of the car park and with such a stunning smile on his face, he looked his best.

"Well," he looked at me after 10 seconds of silence. "I do feel that way."

"You do?" He questioned.

"Every time you touch me, or hell, even when you just look at me. Just being in your presence makes my heart beat faster than it ever should." I found myself saying.

He suddenly stepped towards me, stopping only when the tip of his nose was so close to mine that they would brush together whenever he inhaled. "How about now?"

"As alive as I will ever be."

I didn't hesitate to do it; in fact I only processed that I was kissing Kihyun when his hands found their place on my hips, my own cupping his delicate face. He tugged me towards him.
It was as if everything had magically fallen into place the moment I chose to do so - and I wanted to do it again, for the rest of my life.

Kihyun moved away from me, still close enough to leave small pecks on my lips before speaking. Following that, his hand gripped mine, and he opened the car door to me. "Let's go."


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