"But I don't have any nice clothes for tonight..." I said.

"You can just borrow mine, you guys can borrow my clothes to!" Taehyung smiled at us all.

After a whole it was time to get ready for the party, so we did. Tae changed his clothes first, next Jungkook green Jin and I was last. Tae came out with his Gucci shoes, a black ripped sweater and loose black pants, looking fancy as always. Tae helped Jungkook as he did with everyone. Jungkook came out with those orange~ish Timberlands, a plain white shirt and ripped jeans. Jin came out with an over sized pastel pink sweater, blue jeans and white Yeezy's. Taehyung also helped me, I had a light blue loose blouse what was sticked into the waist band of my jeans(?), with some extra high soled Puma's. Taehyung looked at us and smiled happily, approving our outfit's.

"Let's go!" He said.

I fastly slipped my big iPhone into my back jean pocket and raced after the boys. We were going with Jin's big black car it kinda looked like one of those jeeps but then the really improved one's. I sat in the front while Jungkook and Taehyung sat in the back seats.

"What's the address?" Jin asked.

Taehyung told him the address and apparently Jin already knew where it was. In 30 minutes we were there, it was a big villa, surrounded with many people, a pool, balloons, flags, all those party thingies, we parked and walked to the big villa. The villa was beautifully white, with mixed black and also white things inside it. A guy was standing in front of the villa talking with a girl who was in a crop top and shorts with a panty what was with holes. The guy saw us and opened the big doors, we all walked in and everything was so beautiful... I was standing in a crowd and didn't pay attention for a sec and just lost everyone. I panicked and looked around fastly.

"Shit!" I cursed not too hard.

I saw a couch and just let myself fall on it, sitting comfortably. I picked my iPhone trying to call one of them but no one answered me, so I just gave up. I hung my head backwards, hanging it off the couch. I sighed deeply, already not liking the loneliness... I closed my eyes, hearing the loud music what just gave me an headache.

"Friends ditched you?" I heard a voice saying.

I opened my eyes and swung my head back up to see a boy with orange hair and a angelic smile sitting next to me. I nodded, I abruptly closed my eyes because of the headache.

"You okay?" The boy with the orange hair asked.

I couldn't answer because my head hurt and I felt dizzy, I held the couch tightly trying to keep myself up. I tried to say something but my mind didn't process anything, it was just blank. I seemed like the orange haired boy noticed and he helped me up. He held me up, bringing me somewhere. We walked upstairs, and he gave me support so that i wouldn't fall. We came by a door and he opened it, it was the rooftop, it looked so beautiful... He helped me further and we later both sat down on the roof.

"Do you feel better?" The boy asked worried.

I smiled: "Yes, thank you so much."

He smiled back at me showing his angelic smile, he also had this beautiful spark in his eye, like a sunshine...

"So, what's your name?" The orange boy asked.

"Park Jimin, what about you?" I smiled to him.

"Jung Hoseok~" He smiled to me.

"Just let me tell you that you have am beautiful smile... You look like a sunshine." I smiled to him.

"Haha, thank you!" He smiled to me again.

"Can I have your number? Not in a wrong way or anything, you just look like a nice boy." He smiled.

I nodded and gave him my iPhone, he typed his number and gave my phone back.

"Can I call you Sunshine in my phone in real life i'll just call you Hobi, is that okay?" I asked, smiling to Hoseok.

Hoseok laughed, it lit me up, so cute... He nodded and gave me a soft smile.

The rest of the night we just talked and laughed a lot together, I hadn't laughed in such a long time... I was really happy, a new precious friend maybe best friend in my life, but of course I also have Tae, but I can have two best friend's, they'll like each other, I know for sure.

"I'm gonna try calling my friends so I can introduce them." I said.

Hoseok nodded to me, showing that angelic smile, as I smiled back I picked my iPhone and called Taehyung.

Wait a few seconds please....

"Hello? Jimin?"

"Hey! Can you come up to the roof? I wanna introduce somebody, he took care of me while you guys just left me."

"Of course, I'll take Jungkook and Jin too."

"All right! See you in a second."

You hung up the call.

As we waited we talked again, until we heard the door open. I looked around and saw Tae and Jungkook walking with each other and Jin followed behind. I smiled to them and they smiled back. Hoseok and I stood up.

"Guys this is Hoseok, I just met him and he just helped me when you guys were partying." I said.

"Sorryyyy! We didn't notice..." Taehyung said with a pout.

"Just introduce yourselves to him!" I said chuckling.

"Hello I'm Taehyung, Jimin's best friend! Thank you for taking care of him for us!" Taehyung said with a smile.

Taehyung went back to cling onto Jungkook and Jungkook also introduced himself: "Hello, I'm Jungkook." They both smiled to each other.

"Hi, I'm Jin. I'm Jimin's care taker right now, thank you for taking care of him! Really, I'm happy he enjoyed himself also." Jin smiled to Hoseok.

"Now let's party!" We all said, as the others walked away and I walked with them I looked back and saw Hobi still standing there. I walked back and pulled him with me, dragging him all the way downstairs.

The whole night was so nice... So much fun... Later when we were all getting tired we were going home.

"Can Hobi come with us? Please!" I begged to them.

They all nodded and I jumped on Hoseok's back. We all walked to the car, except for me, cause I was on Hobi's back... Already sleeping... As I woke up I woke up in the car, laying on Hobi's thighs. They were so soft, it felt like a real pillow. (This with J-Hope is not meant in a loving way, I just want them to be close, as best friends, like Jin and Jimin so don't get this wrong!)

"We're here!" Jin said.

I sat up and already missed the soft pillow I had.

"Jump on my back, you're still tired." Hobi said to me showing his angelic smile.

I smiled back and jumped on his back. "Thank you..." I whispered before I fell into sleep again, on his back.

"We actually just sleep on the couch, since it's quite comfterbale." Taehyung said.

Hoseok nodded and laid Jimin on the couch, and he sat down too. Before he knew it was Jimin already climbing up I'm his sleep and laid his head on Hoseok's lap. Hoseok smiled to Jimin and was going to sleep like everybody else.

"What a nice day..."

Save me || ⚣ ~Minjoon {COMPLETED, NOT FIXED}Where stories live. Discover now