
The ride to the arena was in no way two hours. It was more like four because it took at least thirty minutes for a taxi to make an appearance and I'm almost one hundred percent positive the driver didn't even have a licence. Not to mention the bundle of traffic that crowded the street. I literally tossed the driver the money I owed and scrambled though the entrance of the arena. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to get in I'm not very good at brain storming sneaky tactics. Originally I had planned to just walk back stage assuming I would be recognized and granted an entrance but now that i think about it, word could have gotten out to the staff that Zayn and I were no longer together and I may not be let through.

I pondered this as I wandered in the arena. It was huge and nothing like I have ever been in before. It was absolutely amazing and it put me in a state of awe. Zayn performs in places like this on a daily basis? That's absolutely incredible! The girls and I have dreamed about performing in places like this!

I continued my way back stage-or at least what I hoped would lead me to back stage- while still gaping in amazement. I've been walking for twenty minutes now and I still have not managed to find a single soul in this place. There had to be someone else here right? The stage crew is usually at the venue hours before the concert, usually about six in the morning. So why wasn't the arena bustling with last minute sound checks and crew members double checking every last detail to make sure a catastrophe wouldn't occur? Unless...


I dug through my purse and hastily dialed Simon's number on my phone once I found it. I talked to him for a few minutes and cursed once I hung up and had gotten the intended information. I was at the wrong arena.

My feet started moving before my mind did and I was trying to escape the maze I was trapped in. I had not been paying any attention to my whereabouts which apparently back fired on me. My feet pounded against the floor just as loud as loud as my heart pounded against my chest. Would I even make it out of this place in time? I still had to go to the correct venue and only god knows how long that will take. I'll probably have to hitch a ride from another taxi and at this point I was contemplating on running to my destination. All I had to do was pull up the GPS on my phone and follow the yellow brick road (or the virtual green path in this case but it's practically the same thing).

I finally found a door that resembled an exit and I thanked the lord when I confirmed that it was. I kicked it with my foot and it swung right open. I glanced down at my phone screen and immediately started sprinting in the direction it said. The arena was only three miles down the road which compared to the drive from the airport to here was not too far and I was sure I could handle it. The adrenaline that had started coursing through my veins would provide me with an energy boost and a positive mind set. You can do this. It's just like the morning jogs Jonnie used to drag you on. This is nothing you can't handle.

I repeated this chant in my head as pedestrians gave me incredulous looks while I swerved around them. I ignored their facial expressions and instead focused on taking another step and keeping my breathing steady. The ache in my legs and fading of adrenaline was evident and i was starting to panic again. I still had a good two miles left to run and by now their show was scheduled to start in at least a half an hour. I had to pick up my pace and I began searching the street for a cab while I was hurdling on the sidewalk and trying to avoid ramming by body into someone else's. It was actually a very difficult task and I kept tripping on my own two feet which only slowed me down. Eventually I stopped running and bent over with my hands on my knees. I struggled to catch my breath as a sob traveled up my throat. I'm not gonna make it. It's been an hour and I still have another mile to run. The show has already started by now. It's pointless.

I put my head in my hands and took a deep inhale. Fuck it. I took off running again and and wiped the stray tear that had wandered down my cheek. I've come this far, why turn back now? I wasn't going to let something as minor as distance hold me back when I was already passed the halfway mark. Turning my back on this would only bring sorrow and regret onto my shoulders along with the other twelve-thousand pounds I was carrying on them and they were only drowning me and the only way for me to resurface is to let them go. And Zayn is my life boat, once I start to float again he'll be there to rescue him, but only if I repair the damage I've made to us first.

So I ran faster than I ever have before ignoring the aches scattered through my entire body, with a first aid kit in hand.


It took an impressive forty-five minutes for me to reach the arena and convince Paul to let me through backstage. I was relieved I didn't have to think of some stupid plan that would have failed; it saved me the touble. Unfortunately, however, the concert had already started and Zayn and the rest of his band members were on the stage in the middle of performing a song off of their second album. I cursed myself for not going to the right venue in the first place, I could have been here hours ago and the talk I was about to have with my ex could have been over with.

But now I stood off to the side with my eyes trained on Zayn as I watched him sing and laugh on the stage. I contemplated the ways I could start off the the conversation. There was no doubt my presence would come as a surprise to him and I'm positive he'd have an idea on the reason why but I still needed a way to approach the subject and avoid the defining awkwardness. I could try to wing it, but I don't think that would be the best of plans.

I hadn't realized how long I was standing there lost in my thoughts until I heard Zayn's voice, "Perrie?" Well it looks like that's my only plan now.

"Hey." My words came out more timid than I would have liked and I'm surprised he heard me over the roar of the crowd that was still cheering.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, taking his earplugs out and gulping a mouthful of the water from the bottle he had in his hand.

"I actually came to talk to you," I told him nervously. My hands were shaking and my heart rate was faster than normal and I was scared he could feel it. "Could we go somewhere quieter?"

He hesitated but nodded and then led me to a vacant dressing room.The door was held open for me and I stepped through and took a sharp breath when I heard it shut. It was just us now and there was no escape option. I was standing in front of a sweating Zayn about to apologize, for everything.

"What did you want to talk about?" He already knew why. I've known him for three years and could read him like my favorite book on a rainy day and I could tell it was already in his knowledge why I was here, though why he still asked was unbeknownst to me.

I let out the breath I was holding and answered; "Everything."

Beautiful cover on the side made by @WhenWeMoveYouMove! xxx)

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