Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I shut my eyes and took in a deep breath before turning the door handle and taking a cautious step into the house. Once I'm inside I shut the door and take a few more steps into the living room; no Zayn. I set my bag down on the coffee table and sighed. He could still be in the bedroom, and I wasn't entirely sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

I walked down the hallway and peered into the bedroom door. The bed was empty and the bathroom door was open, he wasn't here. My heart sunk a little.

I wanted to avoid confrontation with Zayn, but he's been gone all night. What if something happened to him? What if he got into a fight? What if he got hit by a car? What if some fans kidnapped him and are holding them hostage in their Zayn Malik poster covered bedrooms?

Okay, so, the last one is outrageous, but what if something did happen to him and he's in the hospital right now? Surely one of the boys would've called me then....right?

I scampered back into the living room and hurriedly dug into my purse in search of my phone with shaky hands. Maybe he stayed with one of the boys, I told myself in an attempt to calm the fuck down. It didn't work.

When I finally found my phone I called Niall first but I hit the wrong name in my contact twice because I couldn't stop my hands from shaking with anticipation, and fear. After calling Niall, Liam, and Harry with no sign of Zayn I was hysterical and almost at the point of a full blown panic attack. I dialed Louis' number and when he repeated the other boys' replies I couldn't hold it in anymore and the gate holding back my tears open.

"Whoa, Perrie, what's wrong Love?" Louis asked due to my sudden outburst.

"I-I-I," I wiped my eyes and sniffled. "I don't know where Zayn is," I cried between sobs. I could care less about Louis hearing the horrid and broken sounds coming out of my mouth. The only thing I cared about right now was Zayn.

"Shh, Perrie just try to calm down okay?" He cooed.

"How do you expect me to calm down when my fiance is no where to be found and could be lying beaten in the middle of no where right now!" I exclaimed, my voice rising with every word.

"Perrie, wherever Zayn is I'm sure he's okay. He was with us last night. Just try to stop crying and calm down for me Love, I can barely understand you."

I took a deep breath in and shut my eyes for a moment and imagined a brick wall towering before me. It seemed to be the only way I could ever sooth my emotions, and lately this brick wall has been envisioned behind my eyelids quite frequently.

"Are you calm now Perrie?" Louis' voice asked after a moment.

I nodded at first until I realized he couldn't see me. "Yes."

"Have you called the rest of the lads to check if he's with any of them?"

"Yes, and they all gave me the same answer as you," I told him.

"Have you tried calling Wal-" he started to say, but I never heard the last part of his sentence because the sound of the front door being opened captured my attention.

Zayn stepped through the door and I froze for a second before I dropped my phone and ran up to him before hugging with so much force I was wasn't even embracing him. I was clinging on to him with so much desperation I wanted to cry; so I did.

Zayn was a bit taken back by my forceful embrace but he quickly regained his composer and clung to me just as tightly.

"My god you scared me so much. I thought something happened to you," he said kissing the top of my head and resting his chin where the warmth still lingered.

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