I ran all the way down the stairs instead of taking the elevator because I was afraid Jeremy might sprint after me and possibly catch me. I will never be able to look at that boys face again. What he did was completely disgusting and that's exactly how I feel for knowing I lost the love of my life for someone like him.

I reached the exit and put on my sunglasses to shield my eyes, even though it was pouring rain outside. Paparazzi were standing outside and I dind't want to get blinded by the flashing lights. I came here and did what I needed to do expecting the hole in my heart to feel a little smaller; so why does it feel like it grew instead of shrank? I wondered this as I pushed past the paps in a hurry once I had exited the building. I had to get out of here now. I was not going to deal with this media shit anymore, plus, I was already missing an interview (not that it's a bad thing in my opinion) but the longer I stay incognito the harder it's going to be to set things straight and get my life back on track.

By the time I had escaped the view of the paparazzi and blinding lights and managing to completely block out their remarks it was almost seven 'o' clock and I was drenched from head to toe. I had to be back at the airport in exactly twenty minutes and I was in desperate need of a taxi. I searched the streets for one of the yellow vehicles and waved one down when it came into sight. "The airport," I said simply and the driver gave me a nod and started driving. I took a moment to closse my eyes and take a deep breath and exhale it out. My vision was finally not red anymore and I could think more clearly now, though I tried not to at all knowing my thoughts would drift back into unwanted territory.

My phone suddenly started ringing and I sighed in annoyance. I was content just the way I was, why did my phone have to ruin it?

"Hello," I wasn't even attempting to hide my exhaustion and annoyance.

"Perrie, it's been quite a while since I've heard from you love," Simon said.

"Yeah, it has," I agreed.

"So how are you doing love? I heard about what happened...." he trailed off. Who told him? I wanted to ask him but he probably wouldn't give me a straight forward answer, so I decided not to.

"I'm doing...okay," I lied and I knew he didn't believe me because he calle dme out on it right then and there.

"You sure don't sound like it."

"I know," I admitted.

"Can I ask why you're in a different state then the rest of your friends?" He questioned suddenly.

"I had personal affairs that needed to be and have been dealt with."

He didn't question me further on it but instead asked, "Where are you know then?"

"On my way to the airport."

"You're going back to the rest of the girls right?"


"Well," he paused and then sighed. "Perrie do you remember when all of that chaos erupted and I told you that I'd call if I had a plan?"

"Yeah.." I said wondering where he was going with this.

"Well I have a plan now and it involves you getting on a plane to Europe." Europe? Why Europe?

"What? Why?"

"Because that's where Zayn is," he answered simply.

"No," I objected immediately. "No no no. I am the reason our relationship came to an end and the least I could do is give him what he wants and that is to be away from me."

"Trust me Perrie, I have talked to Zayn and the last thing that boy wants is to be away from you. He said something about jumping to conclusions and being a 'dick-weed'?"

"What? Are you being serious?" I asked in disbelief. Zayn wanted to hear my explanation. He wanted to talk to me!

"One hundred percent." I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "So, about going to Europe..."

I sighed. It looks like I was taking another detour. "I'll be on the next flight out," I told him.

"Excellent. Now promise me Perrie that when you return to the rest of Little Mix you'll be engaged again yeah? And don't take too long I know you'll want to spend time with your Zaynie-poo but you have a job to do you know."

He seemed so confident that Zayn and I would get back together. I wish I shared his confidence, but I wasn't convinced Zayn would even want to be in the same room as me. He looked so angry and hurt when he saw him in my hotel room and I'm not sure that's something he can just simply forget.

"I'll try Simon," I reasoned because I didn't feel like breaking anymore promises. The airport came into view and I told Simon I had to go. He wished me luck and we both bid our goodbyes. I paid the driver and got out of the taxi and proceeded to walk through the door and to the Customer service desk.

"How may I help you?" the lady at the counter said with a bright smile.

"I'd like to change my flight."

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