"Hello father, I found an old friend while on my little vacation." She smirked as her blue eyes narrowed in on the man. Riley gulped at how much Anna resembled her father in that moment with the cold stare.

"You know, that was a nice little trick you pulled," Kas grinned, "man, I wouldn't wish drowning on anyone. It sucks the tyrant isn't on your side."

"What, how?" Michael snapped as he glared at the boy before him.

"Thank your son, well his illegal potions stash and my brother's sheer stubbornness."

Luke's face broke out into a grin as he turned to Riley. "See, I knew all those potions I've brewed over the years in class would have an use someday."

"Ssh," Leona snapped as she watched the screen. Luke stuck out his tongue as his attention returned to the television.

"No, this has to be a trick. You probably used a potion to resemble Kas. He can't be alive! Show me your true identity!" Michael ordered.

"Oh, my true identity? Well, this will be fun," Kas winked as he lifted his wand into the air showing a magic trick that only he could perform. A giant black hole began to open up over his head threatening to engulf the whole room as council members screamed in fright.

"Wren, who is that boy? Why has he upset everyone?" Declan questioned.

"Declan, that's your older brother," Wren gulped as he watched the scene unfold on tv. The screen grew staticky before going off air as Michael Noble called out orders in the background to stop the broadcast before Anna could reveal any more.

"Leave it to father to limit the truth to only those in the room whom he already has under his control," Luke sighed.

"Luke," Riley gulped as she studied the death looks that both Leona and Bethany were giving them.

"Oh, I really was enjoying that, why'd they have to cut it short? Kas really favors Nikkolai," Sophia sighed.

"Soph, this isn't the time to be pining over your boyfriend," Kenzie snapped.

"Luke, what was Anna trying to say before the tv went black?" Ivan asked.

"Only the truth," Luke winked.

"I ban you from saying anything!" Bethany snapped as she raised her wand pointing at Luke.

Isaak and Aaron both stepped in front of Luke with their own wands raised. "Aaron, you protect me? I could have sworn you loathed me!"

"I do," Aaron grumbled, "but that doesn't mean I don't want to know what secret your sister is hiding."

Riley noticed sides had been taken in the room. Bethany, Leona, Ivan, and Kenzie had all sided together while Aaron, Sophia, Adele, and Isaak had taken sides with protecting both Luke and Riley. Wren stayed unmoved on the couch next to Declan as he watched the scene unfold before him. Bethany gulped seeing that she was outnumbered.

"Please, everyone let's not fight!" Sophia pleaded.

"No, I will strike you down if Luke utters a word!" Bethany snapped.

"Bethany, think this through," Ivan added.

"Shut up, ice boy!" Leona snapped.

More arguing broke out from everyone as they stared each other down. The arguing was interrupted by Leona's, Bethany's, and Ivan's phones going off simultaneously alerting them to danger.

"Huh?" Leona questioned as she glanced down at her phone.

"It seems the Resistance has been busy," Ivan added.

"Just great," Bethany snapped, "those two fools were only a decoy."

"What are you talking about?" Luke asked.

"While your sister and her toy were staging their little stunt, the Resistance have made movement. With our Captain running off, I guess I'll have to act as second in command. Leona, take Wren and go provide back up in England. Jameson and Redmund should be able to handle the incoming threat, but I'll relocate Lineas to cover that route and pull Zain from Ripper's side to return here while Ivan will meet up with both Michiko and Elias in the north," Bethany explained.

"Wait, I'm supposed to be Luke's bodyguard," Wren protested.

"Not anymore, your injuries are healed. I'll take over those duties," Bethany grinned, "and Isaak, go with your brother, we'll need your magic."

"Why both of us?"

"Well, we need to detain a corpse." 


I know there wasn't much action in this chapter, but I promise next chapter will have some more action and magic as we venture to the Arctic to encounter an imprisoned corpse and finally see some giants!

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I honestly don't even know when this book updates anymore, but I aim for once a week. 

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