"Okay you guys, let's try the victory pyramid. Okay so...alright...", states Andi as she directs the girls as they assemble as the police chase whisks by, sirens blaring. "Let's work on this next move. We can do it. Next row, come in, out your arms up, put your arms up...smile...good", states Andi excitedly. Clary, who is repeating the different moves Andi is doing beside her, smiles wide before shouting to the team. "You got it!"

Street Corner

The Fratelli's race through a red light with several police hot on their tail. A Hispanic woman, Rosalita, nervously hurried across the street as cars whisk by on both sides of her.

The Devereaux Residence

Clarke Devereaux, known to his friends and older sister, Clarissa Devereaux as 'Mouth', is watching an unrelated police chase on a small television which is turned up too loud. His father, a plumber, is struggling to make some repairs under a counter.

"Turn that TV off son, I can't hear myself think", he shouts from under the counter.

"Yeah right, dad", Mouth states.

Mouth grudgently turns off the TV set, but the live Fratelli Chase is passing the open window. He slaps the TV a couple times, puzzled as to where the sound is coming from.

"Huh?", he asks himself before walking over to his dad and sitting on the counter, looking into the sink.

"The water going down son?", Mr. Devereaux asks from under the counter.

"Mouth looks in the sink. "Ugh...no", he states.

"Going down now?", he asks his son.

Water then gushes from the drain, completely drenching Mouth. He is unable to answer.

"Sorry, kid", Mr. Devereaux apologizes looking at his drenched son.

The Docks

Stefanie Steinbrenner, known to her friends as Stef, is helping her dad at the docks. The chase passes behind her whole her head is immersed in a fishing barrel. She surfaces with a crab in her hand and tosses it aside, oblivious to the commotion.

An Alleyway

Ricky Wang, known to his friends as 'Data' for his many little inventive gadgets, likes to think of himself as "007". He is testing a device of his that shoots a small, suction-cupped harpoon from his belt buckle. It attaches itself securely to a steel drum across the alley. A thread spool in his belt buckle starts to reel it in with considerable torque. The drum starts to move towards him, much to his delight, but gets stuck. Data is drawn uncontrollably across the alley and falls head first into the drum. The police chase speeds by while he is in the drum.

Stop 'n Snack

Lawrence Cohen, whose friends refer to him affectionately as 'Chunk' for his everlasting love of food, is at an arcade game near the front window. He is the only Goonies' to have actually witnessed the police chase. He presses against the window, food in his right hand and milkshake in his left, to get the best possible look.

"Oh wow... a police chase!", he states with amazement.

The cars race by and some gunshots are fired.

"With bullets!!", he shouts with excitement clear in his voice.

The condiments from his food smear all over the window and the milkshake bursts open.

"Ah, shit!", states Chunk.

The Beach

The Fratelli's arrive at the beach, temporarily away from their pursuers. Mama Fratelli laughs.

"What the hell are we doing here?", asks Jake towards his mother.

"Ah, trust in your old mother boys. Throw in into four wheel drive and hold onto your hats", Mama F responds back toward both her sons with a smile plastered on her face.

The annual ORV beach tally is just starting and there are dozens of similar ORV's starting a race on the beach.

"Welcome to the third annual ORV rally. Are you ready to go?... Go!, The announcer shouts.

Mama Fratelli lurches the ORV forward in the sand and merges with the rally. They are quickly lost in the crowd of ORVs.

Author's Note ~

And....that is the end of the prologue! I am loving how this story is coming along so far and I do plan on updating today so please stay tuned! I definitely plan on making this a fairly long book so I am very excited to see how the adventure progresses over time.

Also, please feel free to vote, comment, add to reading lists or even share with others. I truly appreciate it and I love reading all of your comments :)

Thank you so much again and I hope you love my book

Xx Malyndah

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