Chapter 7: Birthday

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#Callie's P.O.V#
It's July 25th, which means it's my birthday. I wake up and get dressed. I walk downstairs and see Yammy, Lizzie, and Joel in the living room.
"Happy birthday!" They all scream at me.
I jump at how loud it was.
"Thanks you guys!" I say, as I look around the room at all of the decorations and gifts. Wow. I'm turning 14. Then I rembered.
I run upstairs to grab my phone.
I text Amelia.
(C-Callie A-Amelia)
A- Happy Birthday!
C- How did you know?!
A- Well, A) your twitter, and B) you told me yesterday silly!
C- Oh yeah. Lol
A- What are you gonna do today?
C- uhh, Yammy and Lizzie and Joel are downstairs, there are so many decorations. But I'm not really sure, wanna see if you can come over?
A- Yeah, I'll ask my mom.
C- Okay, I'll ask Lizzie and Joel.
I run downstairs to ask Lizzie and Joel.
"Lizzie! Joel! Can Amelia come over?"
"Yeah, sure." They say.
C- They said yeah.
A- So did my mom!
C- okay I'll stop yelling, see you here!
A-See ya!
I hug Yammy, and go by the door to wait for Amelia. I hear Lizzie explaining who Amelia is.
I go and sit on the couch, playing games on my phone when I hear a knock.
"I got it!" I say, jumping up.
I open the door and see a smiling Amelia with a card.
"I didn't have time to get you a gift, so I just got you a card." She says.
"That's okay!" I say, hugging her.
"Okay, this looks amazing." She says, looking around.
"C'mon let's go see Yammy!" I say and we run into the kitchen.
"Hi Yammy!" I say to her.
"Hi!" Yammy says back.
"Uh, would you like to open gifts now?" Lizzie asks.
I nod. We walk over to the gifts, and I get a laptop, a wireless mouse, and some money.
"Thank you guys!" I say, walking around, giving hugs to everyone.
"What do you want to do today?" Joel asks.
"I'm not sure... can we go to an amusement park?" I ask.
"Sure, I don't see why not." Lizzie says.
"Can night come?" Amelia asks.
"Of course! Us your mom good with it?" Joel asks.
Amelia says she has to go ask her mom, and that she'll be right back.
She comes back a short while later, and says she can go, but she doesn't have any money.
"We can pay for you, right Lizzie?" I ask.
Lizzie nods.
We gather up things we need and go to the amusement park. It's about an hour drive, so Amelia and I ask questions about each other.
"Birthday?" Amelia says.
"Today, yours?" I say, she says December 12th. We pretty much ask questions we already know, like how Amelia's 14, about to turn 15 in December. Eventually, we stop to get food.
"What would you like Amelia?" Lizzie asks.
"Uh... cheeseburger and fries please." She says.
"Callie?" Yammy asks.
"Uh, I'm not that hungry..." I say, quietly. Yammy looks at me, sympathetic.
I look at Amelia. They get their food, and we start driving.
Amelia starts eating, and I just sit in silence. After she ate, Lizzie turned on the radio.
One of Amelia and I's favorite songs came on. We sang together, a bit too loudly. I look at Amelia, her eyes were the prettiest. Wait... what did I just think?
We got there, waited about 30 minutes to enter, and started going on rides. We started off on a ride that just spun you around, and you stuck to the wall. We went on loads more rides after that.
"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" I ask.
"Well, you can, but I'm afraid of heights." Lizzie says.
"I'll stay here with Lizzie, and Yammy can go on with you." Joel says.
We nod and wait in line.
I sit next to Amelia, and Yammy sits across from us. The ride starts moving suddenly, and scares me, and I guess it scared Amelia too, because we both jumped a little and smacked our heads together. We start laughing, and I look at her.
She's beautiful.
"Woah... you're pretty." I say to Amelia.
"What?" She says, still laughing because we bumped heads.
I look down.
"Did.. did you just call me pretty?" She asks.
I nod a bit.
"Thank you!" She says.
I look at Yammy, she looks confused.
"Wait.. now I'm confused..." I say, "What just happened?"
The ride ended. We were all pretty confused. Once we got off, we walked to Lizzie and Joel. We rode some more rides until about 7.
"Anyone want ice cream?" Lizzie asks.
Everyone started yelling yes, but I stayed quiet.
"Callie? Don't you want ice cream?" Amelia asks.
I shake my head.
"Why?" She asks again.
"Uh, not in the mood I guess." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
They go and order ice cream, except for Lizzie, she's lactose intolerant.
Once everyone finishes, we decide to leave.
We get in the car and begin to drive home.
"Hey Amelia, do you think you could stay the night?" I ask.
"Uh, I'll ask my mom, I think I should be able to." She says.
I nod. "Lizzie, can Amelia stay the night tonight?" I ask.
"My mom said I could." Amelia says.
"Sure! Yammy is also staying, so we'll have a slumber party!" She said.
We get home, and we've decided that Amelia will sleep in my room, and Yammy will sleep in Lizzie and Joel's room. We head to my room, and set some blankets on the ground.
"Hey Callie, what happened on the ferris wheel earlier?" Amelia asks me.
"Uh, I don't know." I say.
"I think you're pretty too." She says. I look down.
We go on twitter for a while, then show eachother memes. I look at the time and it's 1 in the morning.
"Amelia, it's 1 am." I say.
"I know... I'm not tired." She says.
"Me neither."
After about 30 minutes, I hear light snoring. I look over and see Amelia sleeping. As I tried to drift off to sleep, I heard Amelia start talking in her sleep. She mentioned she does that sometimes.
"Callie, I really like you..." She says, still asleep.
I fell asleep, shocked and and wondering what her dream was exactly about.
(A/N) Hello, how'd you like the chapter? Leave me some suggestions, and tell if you like the book!

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