Chapter 6: Fans

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#Callie's P.O.V#
(1 Month Later)
I wake up, go to the bathroom, and get ready. I walk downstairs and Lizzie and Joel are eating. I walk past them and sit on the couch. Today I'm not feeling the best. I feel like I could pass out at any moment.
After Lizzie and Joel finish eating, they come into where I'm sitting and say that we won't be doing much today.
"Can I go out for a walk?" I ask, figuring that would make me feel a bit better.
"Yeah, go ahead, be back by 2 though." Lizzie says.
It was 12 right now. I have 2 hours. I grab my jacket and walk out the door. I decide to walk to the park.
I got to the park and sat on one of the benches.
"Mind if I sit here?" A girl who seemed around my age asked me.
"Go ahead." I tell her.
"Hey, you're the girl LDShadowLady and Smallishbeans adopted, right?" She asks.
"Yeah, my name is Callie. What's your name?" I ask.
"Amelia." She tells me.
"I like that name." I tell her.
"Thanks, I got it for my birthday." She says. I chuckle.
"Can I get a picture?" She asks me.
"Of course." I say as we take a picture together. After that, we follow eachother on twitter.
"I don't get why people hate on you. I also don't get why they call you ugly and fat, you're gorgeous." She says.
"Thanks..." I say, looking down, I'm not good with compliments.
"Can we be friends, I know it's a weird question, but can we?" She asks.
"Sure! You're like, the first person that's been nice to me..." I say.
"I thought you would have loads of friends! Wow. People can be jerks though." She said, I nod.
"Crap, what time is it?" I question.
"1:45, why?"
"I have to be home by 2." I say.
"I don't have to be home till 6, mind if I come over?" She says, smiling.
"Let me ask Lizzie." I sat, and start dialing her number.
"Hey Lizzie, I was wondering if I could bring my new friend Amelia over? She says she watches your videos." I say.
"Uh, I don't want put adress leaked, is she trustworthy?" Lizzie asks.
"Hey Amelia, you won't leak our adress, right?" I ask her.
"Why would I do that? I'm like, your number 1 fan." She says, laughing a little.
"Okay, yeah Lizzie, she says she won't leak it." I tell Lizzie.
After a bit of talking, she finally let's Amelia come over.
We start walking home. We talk about ourselves. She's really funny, I really like her, I've never met anyone this nice, except for Lizzie and Joel.
We get to my kouse, right at 2.
"Wow." Was all Amelia could say. Her eyes filled with exitement as we walked inside.
"Lizzie! Joel! I'm home!" I yell.
I hear them coming down the stairs. "Hi!" Amelia said, sounding reeaaally happy.
"Hello!" Lizzie said, followed by Joel.
"Lizzie, Joel, this is Amelia." They shake hands and take some pictures.
We walk up to my room, and go in our phones for a while.
"Callie, Amelia! Time for dinner!" I hear Joel call up the steps.
We run down the stairs, me almost falling on my face, and then sit down. I'm not going to eat, but I'm here to keep Amelia company.
Lizzie hands her a plate.
"Aren't you going to eat, Callie?" She asks me.
"Uh... I'm not that hungry..." I say, rubbing my arm.
"Okayyy." She says, starting to eat her food.
Once she finishes, we go upstairs to grab her stuff. She has to go, because it's 5:30 and it takes a while for her to get home.
"Message me?" She asks, I nod. We go to the door and we hug. Her hug felt different. I guess I'm just used to adult hugs.
"Bye." I say.
She says the same, walking away. I go to Lizzie and thank her for letting Amelia come over.
"Hey, Callie, can we talk about something." Lizzie says.
I nod, scared we were going to talk about me not eating.
"Okay, I know you might not be ready, but when you are, if you want, you can call me mom, and Joel dad." She says.
"Oh... I..." My eyes start watering.
"What's wrong?" Lizzie asks.
"Its... just, when I was a kid, my mom got really sick, she died in a hospital, then my dad, he... got really upset, and so he started... drinking... he started to abuse me, until someone found out, then I was sent to an adoption center. Then another time, when I was adopted, for the first time, I slipped and called the guy that adopted me, 'dad', and he hit me. So there's 2 reasons I don't like using those words." I explain.
"Oh then you don't have to.." She says.
I go back upstairs and fall asleep.
(A/N) Hey! Again, leave some suggestions! And, I realise now that the 2 names I have are from Greys Anatomy, but this has no connection, okay?

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