Part One: The New Boy

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Katie's POV:
All week long my teachers have been mentioning some new kid, but I never really cared. Everyone was eager to find out who the person was. Until Wednesday arrived and the new boy came to school. I walked into my first period and there he was, speaking to the teacher discussing something. I ignored it and just say in my seat.

"Katie! Do you see the new boy? He's super tall and cute!" said Sydney.

Sydney is my best friend and I wouldn't know what to do without her by my side.

"Yes I see him syd. If you think he's so cute and than go talk to him! Don't be scared!" I jokingly said back.

"No way I'm too nervous!"

Shortly after the bell rings and everyone stumbles to take their seats. I watched the teacher, Mr. Tim, direct the new boy to the empty, cold seat next to me. How ironic is that? The boy came next to me and awkwardly sat down. I used to be the new girl so I decided to talk to talk to him so he wouldn't be so nervous for the school year.

"Hey, I'm Katie and you are?"

"Hi I'm Shawn. I'm new here if you can't tell." he nervously replied.

"It's nice to meet you Shawn! Don't be so nervous this school isn't that bad. Do you mind letting me see your schedule, I know this school like the back of my hand."

"Here. I already got lost this morning trying to find this class and for some reason no teacher knew what I was taking about, which they should if their the teachers." shawn said sarcastically.

There was something about him that I couldn't quite figure out. He seemed so sweet and funny! I didn't want him to be lost today so I decided to offer to help him around school and to give him a tour during lunch. We continued the day like normal until it was lunch time and things got weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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