Saint Louis

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A/N:'s been awhile huh? Sorry. This story will be coming to an end soon and Im not positive about making a third so...hopefully u all enjoy the last of it.


Layla frowned up at the guy that she was pretty sure was best mates with Liam. She tensed as he grabbed her upper arm and began leading her to the bed that Rasputin had across the room. Why he had a bed in his office was beyond her; but she continued to stare up warily at Louis, the guy that Liam introduced her to months ago when she was hanging out at his apartment. But why was Louis going against Liam if she was sure they were mates? Something wasn't adding up...

"I'm not gonna hurt ya." Louis whispered in her ear when he felt like they were far enough from the others. "I 'ave a plan. Which is the first for me since I usually just act on instinct..." He looked back and connected eyes with Niall who gave him a 'what the fuck are ya doin'?' look. Louis gave him a reassuring smile but Niall didn't look like he was being reassured. Shows how much his mates trusted him. "We're gonna fake it."

Layla made a face, "How do you 'fake' shagging?" she asked incredulously, a little too loud for Louis' liking. She tried to jump back when his hand came up quickly and wrapped around her throat. Her brown eyes widening as he brought her face closer to his; his breath hot on her cheek and he whispered in her ear.

"Just trust me, sweetheart." He said before letting her go and tossing her onto the bed with a hard thud. When his eyes went back to Rasputin, Niall and Liam, he saw that Liam was not too happy about his 'acting'. If Liam wanted them to sell this then he had to get a little handsy with Layla, it wasn't Louis' fault. This was all actually Liam's fault and he should be grateful he had him helping!

"Make it quick!" Rasputin shouted as he sent the younger boy a glare. 

"I'm not a minute man!" Louis shouted back causing Niall to roll his eyes. He smiled before turning to look down at Layla who was unsure of what he was about to do. Hell, even he was unsure how to do this. They were on a canopy bed so he could just close the thing and pretend to be doing things to her but he needed her to act along. And if she was anything like Leigh Anne then she wasn't going to let him touch her much to make it look realistic. "Ok...look at me, Layla. I need you to cooperate."

She frowned then looked past him at Liam in the distance. She was trying to read his face but he looked completely worried and it wasn't easing her a bit. "Ok.." she replied in a low voice before turning her head away when Louis came to lay ontop of her. She flinched when his hand came to rest on the side of her stomach...until there was a weird thing poking her thigh...and it was vibrating. "I thought we were going to fake it." Layla said through gritted teeth as she gave him an accusing stare.

"That's my celly, babe, don't get too cocky now." Louis replied before reaching to grab said thing. He glanced at the text message he got from Zayn; already mentally cursing the other guy because he knew better than to text on missions. That was dangerous. But when he read the text he felt everything in him stop as a cold chill went up his spine. "No..." He sat up quickly causing Layla to frown as she watched him stare at his phone in horror. "No...nonono...NO, NO NO NO FUCK NO!" He tossed his cell against the wall causing Layla to scream as the thing made a loud shattering sound. But Louis wasn't done, soon he was off the bed ripping down the canopy and screaming obscenities. 

"Hey!" Rasputin yelled when he noticed Louis' outrage. "HEY!" 


Liam looked over at Niall who was staring at Louis in confusion. What was wrong with him? One minute he was on the bed with Layla and the next he was in a rage about something. Who was dead? What was Louis going on about? He needed to stop before he got them all killed. The only good thing was his sudden outburst not only confused Liam and Niall, but Rasputin as well. Thats when Liam's eyes went to Layla as he signalled for her to get off the bed and move towards him. 

Layla nodded as her eyes went to Louis who was now storming towards Rasputin. It was a really stupid thing for him to do but she saw her opportunity as she got up and quickly made her way off the bed. It wasn't long before Rasputin was shouting at her too but his shouts were stopped as an enraged Louis tackled him to the ground. 

"Louis!" Liam shouted but didn't move as Layla came running to him to help Niall get him out of his hands being tied. It was only a matter of time before the rest of the men in the pub heard the commotion and came busting in with guns blazing but Louis didn't care. He was beyond point of no return and they didn't know why. 

"Come on we can make it outta here if we go now!" Niall said as Liam finally got out of his restraints but Louis was too busy with his attack on Rasputin. "LOUIS!" And that's when Niall saw it. They were checked for weapons and he was pretty sure that they took them all but Louis' little razor. And it wasn't long till said weapon was put right into Rasputin's eye. 

The room was filled with his screams as Louis continued to brutally attack this man twice his size as Niall and Louis did nothing to stop him. Liam had his reasons for wanting Rasputin stabbed to death but Niall felt like he should do something because this was borderline barbaric. Then again he's seen the others do worst but it was the look in Louis' eyes that made the Irish boy worried. 

"That's for Jesy!"

And that's when it hit Niall like a ton of bricks. The reason Louis attacked Rasputin, the reason Louis was so upset...Jesy. He's never felt his heart stop like this before as the earth stood still. He couldn't breathe or think. She couldn't be dead. She can't be dead. He made her promise that she wouldn't get hurt or ever leave him in this world alone. Jesy would never do that to him. 

"Jesy..." He didn't even know he was saying her name until he felt Liam's strong arms around him, pulling him off the ground as tears continued to spill out of his eyes. "Why?!" He yelled as he looked up at Liam with pleading eyes, begging for him to tell him that Jesy was ok. But he knew that Liam was just as clueless as he was.

It wasn't till Louis got off a dead Rasputin did he realize what he did. He looked over to Niall and Liam who stared back him with questioning eyes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, his eyes never leaving Niall's as he put one in his mouth and lit it. "We gotta get outta here before they realize I killed their boss." He said before taking a big puff. "And we gotta get back to the hostel. Zayn needs our help."

"Is Jesy...?"

"She's dead, Niall."

Niall didn't have time to react before the door shot open and guns came shooting into the room. Liam was quick to grab him and Layla so they could hide behind the desk while Louis was already dodged out of the way of the bullets. There was loud shouting as bullets pierced past each of them but for Niall it was all quiet and everything seemed to move in slow motion. He didn't even hear as Liam called his name as he got up in the mist of the bullets and took some in the arm before he was being grabbed by Louis.

"I swear to God, mate, if you get yourself killed I'm gonna murder ya!" He yelled in his ear as he tried to stop the bleeding on Niall's arm. "She would not want you to go down like this!" As Louis helped Niall, he felt Liam get up and began shooting back at the gun he had stashed on him. They hadn't bothered to check him since they thought he was their prisoner already. "Look at me, Niall." Louis forced the younger boy's face in his direction. "Jesy loves you...she will always love you. But if you go out like this then she's going to think you're a stupid little pussy bugger and we both know she hates those kind of men!"

"I...can't feel my heart, Louis." Niall replied as the gunshots and chaos continued around them. "I can't feel my heart. My future was just takin' away from me. The greatest present life has ever given me was just torn from my arms and I didn't even get to say goodbye..." 

Louis still felt that rage and heartache inside him and he knew Niall was suffering ten times worst. But if he thought he was going to let him kill himself, especially to those Russian bastards, then he had another thing coming. They were going to get out of here and make it back to the hostel where the others were and they were going to get Jesy...her body...and they were going to go home. But first, he was going to kill everyone in this pub.

Coming Home (Sequel to Teenage Dirtbag, One Direction/Little Mix)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum