Chapter 17: Drugged and Chances.

Start from the beginning

He comes back with a cup of water in his hand and gives it to me.

"What should I do with this?" I ask very confused.

"Drink it." he answers/commands.

"Why?" I ask suspicious and scared as to what he did with it.

"Because I said so and I have a gun so you should do as I say" he threatens me.

I hesitate but do as he says. I drink the half full cup of water and give him the cup. He gives me a creepy smile and walks back into the kitchen.

While he's gone I start to get dizzy and my body shakes. What the fuck did he do to that drink!?

My body won't stop shaking. He walks in and looks at me giving me another smile.

"What did you do to me?" I start to cry. My head starts to hurt and I lay down, closing my eyes as tears fall from them.

"Don't worry. I didn't do anything. Just put a little sleeping drug in it." I hear him say. I can tell by his voice he's enjoying this. Sick creep.

"Why? What did I do to deserve all this shit?" I whisper half to him and half to myself, before everything goes black and I can't hear anything.


I was taking a walk when I saw Nicki sitting on the sidewalk alone. I walked up to her to see what went wrong.

"Hey Nicki, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing Liam. Just thinking about how I really like this guy and he kissed me but then left me. Now I'm just confused." she sighs.

I knew who she was talking about. Me. I remember that day when I kissed her and then told her I didn't want her. But I don't know if I don't want her anymore. Now that I'm not with Elvira I guess I could be with Nicki.

"Well I think that guy has changed his mind" I smile at her.

She looks at me in shock.

"What about Elvira?" she literally spats. She didn't like my friends of you couldn't tell.

"We broke up." I tell her. Her eyes light up and she stands up from the sidewalk.

"Well then I guess today's my lucky day" she smiles and kisses me.

I don't know what to do, so I kiss her back. She reacts fast and kisses me even harder sliding her arms behind my neck, pulling me ever so close. I kiss her back the same way, putting my hands on her waist.

We kiss for a long time and I even notice someone walk past us. I want to stop and see who it is but Nicki won't let me pull away. Damn this girl was strong!

I kiss her for a few more minutes before finally pulling away. She rests her forehead on mine, panting heavily. We did kiss for a long time, like 10 minutes!

"That was amazing" she pants.

I just nod and give her a smile. It was nothing compared to El's sweet kisses. El's lips were soft, sweet, and usually tasted like strawberries. Nicki's were rough and she had way too much lip gloss on. It wasn't the best feeling. But I guess I could give Nicki a shot, What's the worst that could happen?

Little did I know that a lot could happen.


I give Lou a little kiss before getting out of the bed.

"What happened Lou? Why am I in the hospital?" I ask, curious. I don't remember coming to the hospital.

"You really don't remember?" he asks me.

I shake my head and urge him to go on.

"You were in a car accident Esther! It wasn't that bad, but you still got injured. You were alone in the car so no one saw you. Niall eventually found you but you were unconcious." he explains.

"Why was I alone Lou? Where was I going?" I ask.

I see his face pale and he looks sick.

"You uhhh.. were going to the grocery store while I was at.. umm home. We ran out of carrots.." he stutters.

I give him a confused expression but nod.

"Lets go home" I say.

"Ok comeon." he looks relieved and takes my hand.

We check out and I answer all of Niall and Lindsay's questions.

We go home and I walk straight to bed having a little headache.

"I'm going to bed Lou! Come whenever you want!" I shout to him, already trudging up the stairs.

I hear a faint ok as I lie down in bed.

Closing my eyes I try to remember what exactly happened after we left El's, but only come up with a blank.

Being tired I fall asleep after 5 minutes.


I sit down for about 10 minutes before walking up to bed with Esther.

I felt bad about lying to her at the hospital.

I slide into bed next to her and put my arm on her waist pulling her close to me. I feel her shiver before cuddling into my chest. I smile to myself. I still had that effect on her.

I close my eyes and think about what to do tomorrow. She would probably ask me what happened again, ask for details and stuff. I think until I'm intirally exhausted. I fall asleep just wishing I hadn't almost kissed Hazel. Everything would have been fine.


Hope you liked it!! Elvira's been robbed and drugged all the while she's preg! :O Liams moved on to Nicki! And Lou decided not to tell Esther what happened.. :/

AND THIS IS TO YOU ESTHER!!! (larrystylinson123) Don't worry Lou won't cheat on you babe! :)


~The Carrot Queen :)

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