Chapter 11: It's my time. Move on.

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Torn~A Harry Styles Fanfic❤

~~***Chapter 11***~~


Tina shot Harry.




I knee down besides his body and press my hand against his chest to stop the bleeding. It wont stop! I hurry and take my phone out and call for an ambulance. While I wait, I take Harry's hand and stroke it with one of my hands, the other pressed against his chest.

'Stay with me baby' I beg tears rolling off my cheeks and falling onto his face.

He just groans in pain.

'Hold on baby. The ambulance will be here any second. Everythings going to be okay!' i try and comfort him and myself at the same time.

He moves his body and his eyes flutter.

'Are you ok baby?' I whisper. Wow Ramina! Of course he isn't ok!

'Ramina babe?' he croaks out his voice dripping in pain.

'Yes baby?' I whisper coming closer to his face.

'Its my time to go but yours hasn't come yet.. Promise me you'll move on once I'm gone.. You'll fall in love and have a family.. Just don't grieve on my death.. I know it's near and I can't deny it.. Just promise me one thing Ramina, my love, my baby, my heart, my life..' he whispers tears now rolling down his cheeks while he wipes at mine.

'You will stay with me Harry! You have to! It's not time yet! I know it's not!' I reason my voice shaking with fear.

'Just promise me one thing, my love' he whispers.

'Anything Harry! Anything!' I say.

' You will move on from me. You won't ruin your life just because I'm gone. You will move on. Don't stay baby. Have a family and live a life worth living. Have some fun after all YOLO.' he laughs at the end trying to lighten the mood.

' I can't Harry.. I can't.. I love you.' I whisper my voice now quivering with fear.

' Then do it because you love me ramina! Do it because you love me!' he begs me.

'I will Harry.. Only because of you..' I promise.

I can't believe I just said that.

But it was for Harry.


My love.

The one and only.

I press even more pressure on his chest, the bleeding has slowed down and isn't that bad.

The ambulance arrives a minute later, and by then Harry has passed out. I get into the ambulance with Harry and text the others everything.


My chest throbs. I slip into and out of consciousness many times.

I hear a beep many times.

Then some footsteps.

'Is he okay doctor?' a girl asks. Sana?

'He isn't making the best recovery. The chances are very limited. I'm sorry honey.' a sad voice answers.

Then someone crying.

More footsteps and then someone puts there hand in mine.

'Wake up Harry. We've been waiting for weeks. We need you Harry. Everything's out of control. No one is talking. We need you Harry. I miss you so much.' Sana whispers her voice choked.

But I can't move a muscle.

Then my heart beat picks up.

What's happening?

'Move!' someone yells and Sanas hand is ripped out of mine.

Then everything stops and I can't hear anything.


What's happening to Harry? This is the first reaction in 6 weeks!

Could he be waking up.

The doctors take Harry to the other room and I hear a clear.

Then a beep.

Oh no.


They all wait but the beep doesn't stop. It's not the ones that repeat. This one is just a straight beep.

Harry Edward Styles was lost on May 16, 2012 at 8:07 pm. 18 years old.

AHHHHHHH! I know! :'(

Cliffhanger! You'll see what happens!

Don't forget for feedback! :)

Ps don't give anything away for the people who haven't read it! :)

~The Carrot Queen❤

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