Chapter 6: She's gone and now you remember?

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~~***Chapter 6***~~


I was just walking down the street when I pass this alleyway. I hear groans of pain. Letting curiosity win I go to see if everything is alright.

But it's not.

Not a very pretty site to see.

A teenage girl is laying on the floor covered in scratches, bruises, and blood.

I kneel down beside her to check how her pulse is.

It's faint but still there.

I hurry and call 9-1-1 and they send an ambulance over. I pick up her bag and get into the ambulance with her.

Time to see where this is gonna end.


As we explain to Sana everything, she won't stop crying. Whenever we touch her she cringes and moves away.

She doesn't believe us! She thinks we kidnapped her and like brainwashed her or something! It may sound funny but when she says it, it's like it's true!

Harry keeps on trying to hold her but she won't let him. She screams whenever he does it forcefully and each time she moves away, his face flashes with hurt, pain, and ANGER.

Not anger at us, but at himself.

Once we finish the story, we have to decide on who she'll stay with. She has her own flat but she can't stay there alone so we decide on Harry, very reluctantly that is.

He said he wouldn't allow it. He said he would kidnap her back if he had too. Plus they have been bestfriends since we could all remember.

It gets dark and then I notice about ramina.

Holy crap.

I am such an idiot.

'RAMINA' I scream at them,'Guys text her or call her make sure she's safe!'

They look at eachother now worried and take their phones out.

'Hey Ramina Just checking Are you all right?'

I text her really fastly.

Louis' eyes widen when his phone ring.

He looks at all of us before talking,

'Guys ramina has been raped.. She's in the hospital'

We all rush to the hospital.

We get to her room right before someone yells clear and there's this shock noise.

'We lost her.' someone says from the inside of the room.

Cliffhanger :)

This is just a filler chapter :( didn't have that many ideas..

But the next chapter is we're all the drama and stuff actually starts. Feedback please! Hope you like it! :D

~The Carrot Queen ❤

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