Act I, Scene X

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It was black on the stage and Ashlyn walked on with everyone else in their spots. The lights of the theatre dimmed and a voice spoke above the cheering from the crowd.

"Arthur Tressler presents..."

"Jack Wilder." A light shone on Jack and as did for the rest of the Horsemen once their names were announced.

"Henley Reeves."

"Merritt McKinney."

"Ashlyn Godwin."

"And Daniel Atlas. The Five Horsemen." The crowd erupted into cheers and Daniel put his hands together. Ashlyn smiled at the audience as they all clapped. Jack looked over to the young magician and smiled at her wide grin as she took a breath before starting the show.

"Thank you. Before we begin, we would like to single out two people in particular. A man and a woman whom we'd like to dedicate tonight's performance to."

"FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes and the lovely, somewhat inexperienced Interpol Agent Alma Dray, everyone." Henley pointed her hand to where the spotlight was now shining on them.

"Yeah Agent Rhodes has personally vowed to quote to nail us." Jack repeated his words back to the Agent as the crowd booed.

"And we encourage him to do so if he has the brains and the fur." The crowd started to clap then it fell silent, as they all waited for something to happen.

"What is Magic?" Danny asked as they all started to walk back towards the centre of the stage.

"Our argument, nothing but targeted deception." Ashlyn stood alongside the other Horsemen, hands in front of her body, clasped together as Danny was slightly in front of the rest presenting the show. As he slowly started to back up into their line, a little gap was created so he was able to slide in effortlessly.

"So I want you to look. Look as closely as possible. Because the tricks you are about to see may not seem connected. But we assure you, they are. Is what follows 100 different tricks? Or is it one giant illusion?"

Cheers and woops came from the once silent crowd as the stage blacked out and the Horsemen left the stage when the audience wasn't able to see them.

Up first was Henley and Danny doing an old and classic trick. The disappearing rabbit.

After that Merritt went and needed 12 volunteers for his hypnotising trick. Ashlyn crossed her arms over and watched in amusement as Merritt hypnotised them.

Jack appeared beside Ashlyn and put his hand gently on her lower back to which she whipped her head around and smiled at him.

Their mics were off however she didn't want to speak just in case they were on for some reason, Ashlyn whispered "Good luck." knowing he was next.

Jack nodded and Merritt's act started to come to a close. Ashlyn watched Jack's eyes flick between her and Merritt who was about to walk off the stage so he quickly leaned down and pecked her lips which took her by surprise but before she had a chance to react he was on the stage shuffling a pack of cards.

He threw some cards and snapped some pencils which to Ashlyn was incredibly impressive and Ash had begged for Jack to teach her one day, which he promised after all of this was over.

(UNDER EDITING) The Devil's Death | Jack WilderWhere stories live. Discover now