Act I - Scene I

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It was a Sunday evening when she would walk into the streets of Miami, wandering into a small park with quite a few tourists in the area, they were the easiest to attract. Finding a bench, she spoke the loudest she could.

"Hello ladies and gentleman of Miami. And if you're not from Miami then hello esteemed tourists. I would like to perform a few magic tricks for you all tonight but first I may need a coat since it's quite chilly." Lots of men who found the young girl attractive, and that had gathered round started taking off their coats and tried handing them to her to which she gave gracious smiles to them all.

"Oh no I am looking for a specific coat. Oh there it is!" Hopping down from the bench she ran up to a boy carrying a big backpack past the crowd.

"Hi Sir, would you mind checking your bag?" She stopped him suddenly. He nodded and opened up his bag to reveal the coat she was looking for.

"You know this was so last season but it will have to do." Ashlyn took the coat out and put it on as she went back to the bench and faced the audience who were clapping.

"Just to clarify I didn't place my coat in Timothy's bag over there."

"Actually my name is Andrew." The boy spoke and Ash replied "See I don't even know John."

The audience chuckled to which she clapped her hands together and rubbed them slightly.

"Right, okay I'll be needing a few volunteers." Picking a middle aged woman, a young boy who looked 7 and an older man who looked around 50, Ashlyn had her pawns.

Positioning them in-front of her on the bench she walked up to a little girl and knelt down holding a black pouch.

"Hiya sweetie, would you mind doing me a favour? Would you hold this for me and protect it? And you can't let anyone see it. Can you do that?" The magician asked and she nodded.

"Can you confirm there is nothing inside the black pouch." She nodded and shook the pouch.

"Good now I want my volunteers to pick a card from this pack, sign it and put their cards in this pack in different places." Ashlyn said, putting the pack out in-front of her but with her head looking the other way. Once all three had confirmed they had done that and the audience had seen she started to shuffle the cards.

"Now there is no possible way that I know where your cards are in the pack right?"

Stopping shuffling, she showed the audience and her three volunteers the cards, all spread out.

"Can you see your card?" They all shook their heads so Ashlyn ran away from the bench, to a man with a hat on his head. With permission she took off the hat, to reveal a card underneath.

Showing the audience what she had discovered, Ashlyn asked the little boy "Was this your card?" He nodded with a massive grin on his face and she ruffled his hair making him smile even wider.

Looking around again, seeing a girl about to throw away a napkin Ashlyn ran over to her and asked "Can I borrow the napkin?"

Before she could think about what to answer, it was taken from her hands. As walked through the crowd, towards the volunteers, she pulled a blue lighter from her jean pocket and set it on fire.

Putting her hands around it, the white napkin changed to the man's card with his signature visible to everyone. The audience clapped and she spoke, "Now for you," Pointing to the woman.

"There is something very special."

Walking back over, she reached the little girl who still held the black pouch in her hands.

Picking her up and putting her on the bench, Ashlyn spoke from beside her "This little girl checked the pouch before I started the trick as you all saw so what's about to happen next has not been planned. Could I have the pouch please?" She nodded and gave it to the magician.

"Nothing has come in or out of this pouch has it?" The young girl shook her head so handing it to the middle aged lady, Ashlyn smiled and said "Check inside."

So she did. She found a card.

"Read out what it says." The woman read her name out loud "Michelle Starling."

"Flip it over." Ashlyn whispered to her so Michelle did and read out.

"Will you marry me?" She was gobsmacked. Her partner stood behind her and got down on one knee when the question was read out. Ashlyn turned her around slightly as cheers erupted from the crowd. Michelle thankfully said yes.

Taking the pack of cards and lighting them on fire, Ashlyn threw the cards up in the air and they changed to red rose petals as the two hugged and the crowd couldn't focus on the beautiful petals or the beautiful proposal they were able to witness.

"I have been Ashlyn Godwin. Goodnight." She shouted as the petals fell to the ground gently.

People continued to clap and hand money to the girl, so taking off her hat Ashlyn placed it on the ground. People shook her hand, the little girl ran up and hugged her, telling her how amazing it was.

Smiling, Ashlyn pulled a paper rose from her sleeve.

Setting it alight, it turned into a real rose before handing it to the young girl.. Michelle and her partner also approached, thanking the magician for making it an incredible proposal to which her fiance gave Ashlyn 100 dollars.

"Just doing my job." Ashlyn said, smiling at the newly engaged couple before watching them leave. She noticed once they were out of site that her breath had been held.

Shaking her head she looked around her at the petals and crouched down, starting to clean up after herself.

That's when she saw a clash against the red colouring of the petals.

A card. But not just any card. A Tarot card.

So Ashlyn reached down and looked to see, she had been given the card of the Devil. Chuckling as she stood, Ashlyn looked around quickly to see if anyone was nearby who could've placed that.

Alas no one was there.

Was she really so evil to represent the devil, that of sin and hell?

Ashlyn flipped over the card to see an eye on the back with a date, time and address. Her breath hitched as she bit her lip and knew exactly what it represented. It was everything that magicians wanted and more.

"March 29

4:44 pm

45 East Evan St


Nodding and placing it safely in her coat, she knew she had to be on the first place out to New York.

Once Ashlyn entered her apartment, she grabbed her suitcase and started to pack for her couple days away. She placed the tarot card on her table and put the passport beside it.

It was a mystery to what she would discover when she arrived in New York, but she had no idea it was going to be something bigger than she could've ever fathomed.

(UNDER EDITING) The Devil's Death | Jack WilderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant