Act I, Scene VI

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"Merritt McKenny."

"Daniel Atlas."

"Henley Reeves."

"Ashlyn Godwin."

"Jack Wilder."

"Arthur Tressler and the MGM proudly present the Five Horsemen."

The show had been going smoothly for the five currently however the part they had been anticipating had eventually arrived.

"Thank you, tonight we would like to try something that will, well, set us a bit apart." Merritt said loud and clear as they were all walking around their cleverly designed stage.

"For our final trick we are going to be doing something never before seen on a Las Vegas stage." Henley said.

"Or any stage for that matter." Jack told them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight." Daniel spoke as Ashlyn ran to the centre part of the stage.

"We are going to rob a bank." She said and the crowd cheered with excitement. A smile came across Ashlyn's face as she tried to look however from the lights everyone was simply silhouettes.

"Wow that's a lot of excitement for a crime would you say?" Daniel turned to Ashlyn who nodded.


"I'm getting excited, what about you people?" Henley asked them. More cheers and screams erupted from the crowd.

"Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" Daniel asked as loads of people put up their hands, in hope they would be picked.

"So many criminals." Ashlyn spoke looking around the arena.

"And we will choose one at random." Daniel said from beside Ashlyn. At the same time Jack, Henley and Merritt had bowls full of ping pong balls, going around the audience.

"Our associates will make sure it's random, right?" Ashlyn asked and Jack replied "You betcha." before winking at the girl making her roll her eyes however she cleared her throat and started to speak.

"In Jack's bowl are ping pong bowls with section numbers, Jack could you throw me over a section number." Jack threw it, however an awful throw he was Ashlyn had to edge out towards her left and stretch to grab it. A slight wobble later she had the ball in her palm and was handing it over to Atlas.

"Thank you Ashlyn."

"Here to help." Clasping her hands together she watched Atlas read the letter on the ball.

"Section B. Where is section B?" Daniel asked, looking around.

"There." Ashlyn pointed out.

"It's going to be one of you guys, get ready." Daniel told them which made them all clap and cheer with excitement.

"Merritt, my man! Will you toss me a row please." Ashlyn asked, so he threw it and Daniel caught it. A glare from Ashlyn later Daniel spoke.

"Thank you Merritt. We are looking at Row number 5."

"Henley may I have a seat number." Daniel asked.

(UNDER EDITING) The Devil's Death | Jack WilderWhere stories live. Discover now