Act I - Scene III

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They all exited the dirty apartment and Ashlyn spoke up "That place is not ready to have anyone living in it." The others agreed to her statement.

"Well where can we stay cause the plan looks like it's gonna take a while?" Merritt asked and Ashlyn replied.

"How about we start cleaning this place up tomorrow and get to start planning how we're gonna make this place our base, assuming you all have hotels that you're staying at?"

All nodded. Well almost all, except Jack.

"Okay cool, let's head back to my apartment. I only live 10 minutes away."

Danny went to protest as the young girl who was at the end of the corridor asked "Unless you have a better plan."

He kept quiet as she smiled sarcastically and started to walk ahead down the stairs with Jack a step behind.

"So I'm assuming you're a magician. Unlike Merritt."

"I heard that!" The two had a slight laugh between them before Jack replied to her original statement.

"Yes ma'am. I'm quite good at throwing cards. Sleight of hand."

"What about you?" The youngest boy questioned as the youngest girl crossed her arms over her chest.

"Fire. No wonder I'm the devil."

"Pretty fine looking devil if you ask me." Rolling her eyes she shoved him slightly before walking onto the street, waiting for the other horsemen to reach her.

With them all together, they walked the 10 minutes before she let them all into the apartment, giving each a slight smile.

"Welcome to mine and by mine I mean my mom's humble abode."

The five got comfortable, using paper and pens that Ashlyn had provided as they looked up supplies.

As time passed and a phone call took her out of the room for about 20 minutes, Ashlyn looked up to see Jack leaning against the open door frame knocking as she put her phone down on the bed beside her.

"You okay?" He asked, causing Ashlyn to nod.

"Yeah, my mom's trip has been extended. And just when I'm back home as well."


"Oh I'm from New York, but I don't live here."

"Where do you live?"


"But you're from Brooklyn? How come I never ran into you?" He asked, having his arm up so his hand was holding the door frame slightly.

She stood and crossed her arms until she was in front of him.

"I'm from Queens."

"The other side of the water huh?"

"Indeed however that is in the past just like everything else I do not care to recall."

(UNDER EDITING) The Devil's Death | Jack WilderWhere stories live. Discover now