Acknowledgement and About

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Oh, where do I start? There have been so many helping me with this book and I want to thank all of them. Now, let me begin with those the book is dedicated to.

Eline Elmiger ( @Neromir ), my best friend, who has helped me from the beginning of this book and was the first person to read these lines and therefore the first to laugh at silly mistakes (tail or tale, why does it have to be so complicated?).

Thanks to those who fought their way through so many little mistakes in the early versions of this book. E. B., who also told me about the difference between a bow and a curtsey and was the inspirational source to the evil squirrel. A. Ba., who helped me with both the book and the theoretical part of my Matura project and made me feel very honoured by stating how interesting the book was. A. Bü., who read the book and gave it a finishing touch without ever even having met me, and who quickly reacted when I was running out of time and needed some more help with the theoretical part. And M. B., who helped me find native speakers of the appropriate age to read my book.

There are four teachers I want to thank, my English teachers; Ms. S., who taught me my first English words and even read 'The little Witch' to my class. Mr. B., who lit the fire burning for English in my heart. Mr. D., who trusted in my English before I started this project. And of course, Mr. R., who helped me with so many little things throughout this project, never letting me down.

A special thank you goes to my family, which has supported me all along. Obviously, my experiences with my siblings have influenced the relationship between Faolan and Moira. How else would I know how siblings can be if not through my own past?

My last big thank you goes to all my friends, whether they have helped me actively or not, their presence in my life was of crucial importance in the making of this book.

All of you, keep your minds as open as they are and let the real world disappear in the magic of fantasy from time to time. I would be happy to take you with me on another journey someday!


This book was written as the practical part of a Matura project called "Young Adult Literature - A short survey of the development of Young Adult Literature and the creation of a young adult novel". (For the non-Swiss among you: A Matura paper is like a Bachelor's paper, but on a pre-university level. It's a part of finishing Gymnasium so you are allowed to start studying at a university.) This book was written during the year 2015 when I also first printed it. There are only a dozen printed books and the text in them is an earlier version, most significantly having a shorter ending. I lengthened it for the Wattpad version after receiving a lot of feedback mentioning that the ending had been too abrupt. Please, because this is not a published version, do not share any of the book's content or make it public in any way. If you want to use it for something non-commercial, feel free to contact me anytime!

Thank you all for reading! Special thanks as always to those who voted and commented.

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