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And here we are, you and me, on the first page. I'm going to take you on a journey, a journey through time and space. I'm taking you back in time to another planet, very much like ours. There are humans there as well. They live pretty much like humans here once did, but there is one difference, a huge, magnificent and fascinating difference: in their world, all you can imagine is possible. There are magicians, dragons, unicorns, spaceships, dinosaurs and all the other things you'd like there to be. In this story, we'll look at the lives of two young humans. I don't want to hold you up much longer, go ahead and meet them yourself. They'll tell you their story with all the gruesome and wonderful things in it. Let them show you a place that's so very much like yours and still couldn't be further away from it. Follow them into a world that's lost in time.

Children of the Forest - Sagas of Yryan - Completed #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now