Worth Words. 19 August- 19 September, 2017.

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When the days are long
And the nights are short;
When the rains have come
And the light are gone,
I just lay in bed
Thinking, "What went wrong?"
Singing in my head
A love yearning song.

Looking at your empty eyes;
Carnality personified,
I wonder when you will leave this glass cage and roam free.
Emotions magnified, I replay the scars; the routes I've tried,
But it all brings me back to the embroidered mirror.

When the days are short
And the night is long,
And the rain has come
To wash out the storm
I wonder languidly, "If I try:"
Looking into the stars.
But looking at the rain
I know the truth.

The night waits for no one-
What's beautiful can't be undone.
The lost hearts are starlight-
What's beautiful can never be touched.
The night waits for no one-
What's beautiful can't be seen.
The love you see is fantasy-
What's beautiful can never be found.
The night waits for no one-
True love can't be shaped into words.

So I'll paint it without them.

When the days are gone
Just know dark romance and songs
Can't do more than make
The sadness gain depth;
Can never do more than cycle this song
Before the mirror
In the night's rain.

Because love is worth words
But none exist to hold them.

Then the nights are gone
And I sing alone at the
Transparent mirror
Watching moonlight fall knowing
Time is gone,
Wasted in my mind
Spending moments wondering on Times gone by
And guilt.

The night waits for no one-
What's beautiful can't be undone.
The lost hearts are starlight-
What's beautiful can never be touched.
The night waits for no one-
What's beautiful can't be seen.
The love you see is fantasy-
What's beautiful can never be found.
The night waits for no one-
True love can't be shaped into words.

Because love is worth words
But none exist to hold them.
I'd know.
I've tried.

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