The Signs. 2 November, 2016.

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Dedicated to: Agnes "Aggie"

I call.

You text.

You text.

I call.

"You are not available."
And you remain where the signals are.
You remain where the signals are
Yet your phone is not available.

5% remaining. I need to call you now.
5% remaining. Your phone is dead by now.

Though they have warrantees and guarantees, and all these "-tees" you'll never need
When I can't talk to you, or text to you to meet you, it means nothing to me.
The signs are clear and,
My dear,
Even you're aware.
I think it's time to start afresh
For you and I-
Its for the best.

I know your babe has been with you right through it all-
The breakdowns in bedrooms, my shoulder, and the supermarket's changing stalls,
But I promise you that who she is will never change-
Even a little bit.
Just a little wardrobe makeover that will do you good-
Just a little bit.

It's time to heed the signs, my dear.
Its time to say it loud and clear.
"I think the time has long since passed
Since you've had to buy a new cellphone."

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