"I'm not running a shelter," His deep voice booms.

I glare at his comment before we enter. Carter tells me to sit on the sofa as him and bossman talk.

I set down Apollo and lay down beside him.

"No dogs allowed on the furniture!"

My only response was flicking him off. I practically felt his anger after I did that. I heard Carter chuckle.

After about an hour later, Bossman walked over to me and pulled up a chair.

"Why were you in that alley way by yourself?" He asks

I look down "I ran away from home.
"Ahh, now I see," he pause "You're a spoiled teen who didn't get what she wanted!" He says

My eyes start to tear up " I ran away because my step-father abused me. My mother died in a fucking car crash  which caused my step-father to turn to damn drugs. Then he threw a wine bottle at me." I show him all my wounds "so no. I didn't get what I wanted. I wanted a happy family and happy life, but did that happen? No It didn't." I snap.

They both stand there dumbfounded

"He abused you?" Bossman spoke

"Did I studder?" I respond

Carter stares at the floor.

The silence gave me time to study Bossman more. He has black hair and blue eyes, his hair was a bit curly. He looked to be about 20, but he looked a lot like Andrew. Maybe he knew him.

"Hey Bossman?"


"Do you by any chance know Andrew?"


"I don't remember his last name".

"Well I have a brother named Andrew".

"What does he look like?" I ask

Bossman goes up to his desk and grabs a photo. He brings it back

"He's on the left". He says pointing towards the person on the left.

Sure enough, it was the same Andrew. My eyes light up.

"Yeah that's the same one!" I exlaim

"What do you mean same one?" He questions, tilting his head a little.

"Well, this guy on a motorcycle stopped by me and gave me his number and twenty dollars."

Bossman gets up and pulls another phone out of his pocket. Didn't he just throw it out the window? I ask myself. He dials someone.

"Hey.....so, did you meet a girl earlier today.....uh yeah, she is with me now....ok". Bossman heads my way. "He wants to speak to you."

I grab the phone from him and pit it to my ear



"Well I certainly didn't ask to be kidnapped and brought here so don't ask me 'What was I thinking'!" I tell into the phone

"Hey. Um, I'm sorry. I'm worried about you."

"Worried? You only met me once, and you don't even know my name."

"I'm coming over to change that."

"Please don't."

The phone beeps, signaling he ended the call. I hand Bossman back his phone and lay back down next to Apollo.

Two and a half hour later, Andrew burst in through the door.

"Where the fuck is she!"
He yells

Bossman and Carter both point at me. Andrew drops his helmet and runs over to me.

"Are you okay? Please tell me they didn't hurt you!" He says shaking me


He stops shaking me and pulls me into a hug.

"Okay, to close for comfort!"

I try to push him off but he wouldn't budge. I look at Carter and Bossman.

"Get him off of me!" I tell them

When they finally pry him off, Andrew goes to sit back down next to me.

I go to scoot over but I ended up using my bad leg. I whimper in pain before pulling it up on the couch. I bit my tounge to stop myself from crying.

"Clearly, you're not okay, what's wrong?" Bossman says looking at my swollen ankle.

"I honestly don't know what's wrong with it".

He gently lifts it up into his lap.

"Dammit, Fuck that hurts!" I groan

"Man up, I'm trying to see what's wrong".

I quite down not noticing I was crying until Andrew speaks up

"Okay dude, be more careful she's actually crying."

Bossman looks up at me.

"Oh shit, sorry!"

Bossman gently places my ankle back on the couch.

"I'm gonna go get the doctor," Carter says getting up and going out of the room.

I lay down with my feet on Andrews lap and I close my eyes to fall asleep.

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