The sun is shining

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Jims pov
The start of the end
I don't know what happened one minute I'm in the lab it's on fire and exploding Papyrus is crying and sans is grabbing his dads coat then there's a blue light and now where outside. Wait where's Sans. I start looking frantically while conferring Papyrus. I found him and the Gaster blasters walking away. "Sans where are you going?" I asked "I'm going to the king to end this war. You stay with them keep them safe." He said pointing to a blaster "Sans your 10 years old not a one-man army you can't end this war all by yourself." I told him trying to make him see reason "well I can sure as hell try. Keep Papyrus safe for me OK Mr. Davis. I'll find you when this is all over." He said as he disappeared in a flash of blue light. I looked at the blasters "so I don't suppose you know the way back to the nearest town do you" I asked it just looked at me. "Stranded in the woods with a crying baby of loading skull and no idea which way towards the nearest town all while at 10-year-old girls off to fight a war keep going Jim it will all be alright." With that said I had it off in a random direction
Sans pov
The start of the end
I teleported to the The Royal palaces thrown room where king Asgor and his two kids sat a human girl Chara and a goat monster Azriel startling them "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Asgor demanded "I am sans." I told him he seems tense it might be the blasters. "Ok you answered the first question now answer the second" he said "I want you to agree to a truce with the humans." I stated simply for a moment I thought we were in for a baaad time but then he seem to notice my age for the first time "tell me child why do you want that?" He asked in a much softer voice "Because this senseless war has made me my brother and countless others orphans. If this war is because monsters and humans can't get along your own daughter proves that isn't true. If you agree to the truce I will vow to protect the royal family in secret." I told him "You will protect us you but a child how can you protect us?" He asked "One I got in here passed the royal guards passed all your man without anyone noticing. Two I have gaster blasters and you don't. Three I may be younger than you but I am stronger than you and if you want to test that go right on ahead." I told him slightly annoyed "Alright Young one I will show you how far apart we are so you don't foolishly risk your life any farther." He said
*Time skip*
I threw him back into his throne with my magic Asgor 10 HP "sigh very well Young one I agree to Your terms so long as you serve the royal family." He conceded ending the fight "agreed your majesty." I said I keep as straight a face as I could I just beat up the strongest know monster holy crap. "I trust you have a plan to get the humans to agree?" He asked crap "of course I do." I told him as I teleported away *another time skip*
"Are you sure about this Sans" the blasters asked me "honestly no but let's give it a shot anyway" I said as I marched in to the human capital and brought everyone who tried to stop me to 1 HP I walked down to the main office where the human leaders and reporters were meeting I pulled up my hood and wrapped what was left of dads lab coat around my face so people couldn't tell what I was. I pushed the doors open "hello leaders of the human war my name is Roman and I am here to get you to agree to truce."

A new story (Sans x Frisk)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz